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Header File: Kokkos_Core.hpp
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<>( league_size, team_size [, vector_length])
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<ARGS>(league_size, team_size [, vector_length])
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<>(Space, league_size, team_size [, vector_length])
Kokkos::TeamPolicy<ARGS>(Space, league_size, team_size [, vector_length])
TeamPolicy defines an execution policy for a 1D iteration space starting at begin and going to end with an open interval.
template<class ... Args>
class Kokkos::TeamPolicy {
typedef TeamPolicy execution_policy;
//Inherited from PolicyTraits<Args...>
using execution_space = PolicyTraits<Args...>::execution_space;
using schedule_type = PolicyTraits<Args...>::schedule_type;
using work_tag = PolicyTraits<Args...>::work_tag;
using index_type = PolicyTraits<Args...>::index_type;
using iteration_pattern = PolicyTraits<Args...>::iteration_pattern;
using launch_bounds = PolicyTraits<Args...>::launch_bounds;
typedef TeamMemberType<execution_space> member_type ;
TeamPolicy(const TeamPolicy&) = default;
TeamPolicy(TeamPolicy&&) = default;
inline TeamPolicy();
template<class ... Args>
inline TeamPolicy( const typename traits::execution_space & work_space
, const index_type league_size
, const index_type team_size
, const index_type vector_length = 1);
template<class ... Args>
inline TeamPolicy( const index_type league_size
, const index_type team_size
, const index_type vector_length = 1);
TeamPolicy& operator = (const TeamPolicy&) = default;
// set chunk_size to a discrete value
inline TeamPolicy& set_chunk_size(int chunk);
// set scratch size for per-team and/or per-thread
inline TeamPolicy& set_scratch_size(const int& level, const Impl::PerTeamValue& per_team);
inline TeamPolicy& set_scratch_size(const int& level, const Impl::PerThreadValue& per_thread);
inline TeamPolicy& set_scratch_size(const int& level, const Impl::PerTeamValue& per_team, const Impl::PerThreadValue& per_thread);
inline TeamPolicy& set_scratch_size(const int& level, const Impl::PerThreadValue& per_thread, const Impl::PerTeamValue& per_team);
// return ExecSpace instance provided to the constructor
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION const typename traits::execution_space & space() const;
- Execution Policies generally accept compile time arguments via template parameters and runtime parameters via constructor arguments or setter fucntions.
- Template arguments can be given in arbitrary order.
Argument | Options | Purpose |
ExecutionSpace |
Serial , OpenMP , Threads , Cuda , ROCm
Specify the Execution Space to execute the kernel in. Defaults to Kokkos::DefaultExecutionSpace . |
Schedule |
Schedule<Dynamic> , Schedule<Static>
Specifiy scheduling policy for work items. Dynamic scheduling is implemented through a work stealing queue. Default is machine and backend specific. |
IndexType | IndexType<int> |
Specify integer type to be used for traversing the iteration space. Defaults to int64_t . |
WorkTag | SomeClass |
Specify the work tag type used to call the functor operator. Any arbitrary type defaults to void . |
TeamPolicy(): Default Constructor unitialized policy.
TeamPolicy(index_type league_size, index_type team_size [, index_type vector_length])
Request to launch
work items, each of which is assigned to a team of threads withteam_size
threads, using a vector length ofvector_length
. If the team size is not possible when calling a parallel policy, that kernel launch may throw. -
TeamPolicy(index_type league_size, Impl::AUTO_t [, index_type vector_length])
Request to launch
work items, each of which is assigned to a team of threads of a size determined by Kokkos, using a vector length ofvector_length
. The team size may be determined lazely at launch time, taking into account properties of the functor. -
TeamPolicy(execution space, index_type league_size, index_type team_size [, index_type vector_length])
Request to launch
work items, each of which is assigned to a team of threads withteam_size
threads, using a vector length ofvector_length
. If the team size is not possible when calling a parallel policy, that kernel launch may throw. Use the provided execution space instance during a kernel launch. -
TeamPolicy(execution_space space, index_type league_size, Impl::AUTO_t [, index_type vector_length])
Request to launch
work items, each of which is assigned to a team of threads of a size determined by Kokkos, using a vector length ofvector_length
. The team size may be determined lazely at launch time, taking into account properties of the functor. Use the provided execution space instance during a kernel launch.
inline TeamPolicy& set_chunk_size(int chunk);
Set the chunk size. Each physical team of threads will get assigned
consecutive teams. Default is 1. -
inline TeamPolicy& set_scratch_size(const int& level, const Impl::PerTeamValue& per_team); inline TeamPolicy& set_scratch_size(const int& level, const Impl::PerThreadValue& per_thread); inline TeamPolicy& set_scratch_size(const int& level, const Impl::PerTeamValue& per_team, const Impl::PerThreadValue& per_thread); inline TeamPolicy& set_scratch_size(const int& level, const Impl::PerThreadValue& per_thread, const Impl::PerTeamValue& per_team);
Set the per team and per thread scratch size.
: set the storage level. 0 is closest cache. 1 is closest storage (e.g. high bandwidth memory) -
: wrapper for the per team size of scratch in bytes. Returned by the functionPerTeam(int)
. -
: wrapper for the per thread size of scratch in bytes. Returned by the functionPerThread(int)
. One can set the scratch size for level 0 and 1 independently by calling the function twice. Subsequent calls with the same level overwrite the previous value.
TeamPolicy<> policy_1(N,AUTO);
TeamPolicy<Cuda> policy_2(N,T);
TeamPolicy<Schedule<Dynamic>, OpenMP> policy_3(N,AUTO,8);
TeamPolicy<IndexType<int>, Schedule<Dynamic>> policy_4(N,1,4);
TeamPolicy<OpenMP> policy_5(OpenMP(), N, AUTO);
- Introduction
- Machine Model
- Programming Model
- Compiling
- Initialization
- View
- Parallel Dispatch
- Hierarchical Parallelism
- Custom Reductions
- Atomic Operations
- Subviews
- Interoperability
- Kokkos and Virtual Functions
- Initialization and Finalization
- View
- Data Parallelism
- Execution Policies
- Spaces
- Task Parallelism
- Utilities
- STL Compatibility
- Numerics
- Detection Idiom