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Amy Powell edited this page Mar 8, 2022
20 revisions
Here, we summarize the steps for setting up the kokkos-core-wiki repo, and a
branch-based workflow for updating documentation in the main Kokkos project. The kokkos-core-wiki is the
canonical source of Kokkos documentation "Truth". It is no longer possible to
directly edit the main Kokkos project Wiki.
Sandia employees: Creation of wholly new pages will require Review and Approval (R&A). Check with your Sandia team lead, if you have questions about the R&A process.
Step 1) Create your own fork of the kokkos-core-wiki repo by navigating to
, and clicking "Fork" in the upper right of the github page. -
Step 2) Clone the remote kokkos-core-wiki repo, and add your fork as a remote:
git clone [email protected]:kokkos/kokkos-core-wiki.git
git remote add ajpowelsnl [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git
- Step 3) Check your remotes; you should see both your fork (
) and the main kokkos-core-wiki project repo (origin
[ajpowel@kokkos-dev-2 kokkos-core-wiki]$ git remote -v
ajpowelsnl [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git (fetch)
ajpowelsnl [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
- Step 4) Create a topic branch in your local fork of the kokkos-core-wiki:
git checkout -b demo/setup
- Step 5) Add your fork's Kokkos project Wiki repo as a remote (you will push changes to this repo to preview before creating a pull request on
origin [email protected]:kokkos/kokkos-core-wiki.git
). If your Kokkos project Wiki is empty, then you will need to create a first page. To create this first page, navigate to the Wiki in the banner (e.g.,
), and click the green button that says,Create the first page
. Once you have created this first page, you should now be able to add the Wiki repo as a remote:
git remote add my_wiki [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/
- Step 6) Verify your remotes. You should now have three different repos: your local, forked kokkos-core-wiki (
), the remote kokkos-core-wiki (origin
), and the Wiki associated with your forked Kokkos project (my_wiki
[ajpowel@kokkos-dev-2 kokkos-core-wiki]$ git remote -v
ajpowelsnl [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git (fetch)
ajpowelsnl [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git (push)
my_wiki [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/ (fetch)
my_wiki [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/ (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
- Step 7) Fetch new changes to the remote (
), and rebase on your topic branch (demo/setup
) to update:
git fetch origin main
git checkout demo/setup
git rebase origin/main
- Step 8) Make the desired changes (on your local topic branch), and push to the main project Wiki (of your fork). Nota bene: for your first commit, you will need to use the
option to push; this option will overwrite existing files.
git push -f my_wiki demo/setup:master
- Step 9) Preview your changes by navigating to the main project Wiki of your fork:
- Step 10) If your previewed changes are good, push your local topic branch to your fork of the kokkos-core-wiki repo to create a pull request. You cannot push directly to the
branch of the remote repo:
git push -f ajpowelsnl demo/setup
Enumerating objects: 5, done.
Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Delta compression using up to 40 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 305 bytes | 305.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
remote: Create a pull request for 'demo/setup' on GitHub by visiting:
* [new branch] demo/setup -> demo/setup
- Introduction
- Machine Model
- Programming Model
- Compiling
- Initialization
- View
- Parallel Dispatch
- Hierarchical Parallelism
- Custom Reductions
- Atomic Operations
- Subviews
- Interoperability
- Kokkos and Virtual Functions
- Initialization and Finalization
- View
- Data Parallelism
- Execution Policies
- Spaces
- Task Parallelism
- Utilities
- STL Compatibility
- Numerics
- Detection Idiom