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dalabre edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 5 revisions


Kokkos is a library of C++ templated macros that enable the construction of thread-scalable parallel patterns for data on many machine architectures. Kokkos is designed for integration into the flow of computationally intensive host software that will be compiled for usage on modern computer architectures; the goal is improved performance of the computational kernels. Tuned implementation and some degree of code refactoring are generally needed to realize significant performance benefits. Supporting the development of the Kokkos macros and the expected performance benefits is an extensive software test program.

This document outlines Kokkos testing activities in its variety and extent; some aspects will be described in greater detail than others, particularly promotion testing. The emphasis on promotion testing is based on its importance to the integrity of the Kokkos software library. Included in the test activity descriptions are specific hardware platforms, supported software compilers, Kokkos backends, test scripts, important repository management commands, required computer accounts, test descriptions, and testing important at various stages in the software life-cycle.

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