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Amy Powell edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 20 revisions


Welcome to the Kokkos Documentation Workflow


Here, we summarize the steps for setting up the kokkos-core-wiki repo, and a

branch-based workflow for updating documentation in the main Kokkos project. The kokkos-core-wiki is the canonical source of Kokkos documentation "Truth".

CAVEAT: Creation of wholly new pages will require Review and Approval in some

cases. Check with your team lead, if you are uncertain.

STEP 1) Create your own fork of the kokkos-core-wiki repo by navigating to, and clicking "Fork" in the upper
				right of the github page.

STEP 2) Clone your forked repo:

				git clone [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git

STEP 3) Create a topic branch in your local fork of the kokkos-core-wiki:

				git checkout -b demo/setup

STEP 4) Check your remotes:

				[ajpowel@kokkos-dev-2 kokkos-core-wiki]$ git remote -v
				origin	[email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git (fetch)
				origin	[email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git (push)

STEP 5) Rename your (local) repo to disambiguate:

				git remote rename origin ajpowelsnl

STEP 6) Add the remote kokkos-core-wiki repo (i.e., the repo you will create a PR on):

				git remote add origin

STEP 7) Add the Kokkos project Wiki from your fork (you will push changes to this repo to preview): 

				git remote add my_wiki [email protected]:ajpowelsnl/

STEP 8) Verify your remotes (you should now have three different repos: 
				your local, forked kokkos-core-wiki ("ajpowelsnl" below), the remote kokkos-core-wiki ("origin" below),
				and a local main-project Wiki associated with your forked Kokkos project ("my_wiki" below)):

			git remote -v

			ajpowelsnl	[email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git (fetch)
			ajpowelsnl	[email protected]:ajpowelsnl/kokkos-core-wiki.git (push)
			my_wiki	[email protected]:ajpowelsnl/ (fetch)
			my_wiki	[email protected]:ajpowelsnl/ (push)
			origin (fetch)
			origin (push)

STEP 9) Set up your local topic branch track origin/main:

			git checkout main
			git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main 
			git pull origin/main
			git show
			commit f0e10f59f50f23930a2f4eedfce3eed869344277 (HEAD -> main, origin/main)
			Merge: 7b5063e ec9f444
			Author: Damien L-G <[email protected]>
			Date:   Mon Feb 28 21:09:11 2022 -0500

					Merge pull request #3 from dalg24/fixup_gh_actions
					Fixup path gh workflow

STEP 10) Update your topic branch,rebasing on origin/main:
			git checkout demo/setup
			git rebase main

STEP 10) Make the desired changes (on your local topic branch), and push
			those changes to the main project Wiki (of your fork).  Nota bene: you
			will need to use the "-f" option for the **FIRST** push; this option will overwrite the file.  

			git push -f my_wiki demo/setup:master

STEP 11) Preview your changes by navigating to the main project Wiki of your

STEP 12) If your previewed changes are good, push your local topic branch to
			your fork of the kokkos-core-wiki to create a pull request.  Please
			note that pushes to the main branch will be automatically, immediately
			deployed to the Kokkos Wiki:

			git push ajpowelsnl demo/setup 
			Enumerating objects: 5, done.
			Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done.
			Delta compression using up to 40 threads
			Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
			Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 305 bytes | 305.00 KiB/s, done.
			Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
			remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
			remote: Create a pull request for 'demo/setup' on GitHub by visiting:
			 * [new branch]      demo/setup -> demo/setup
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