public version of our general contraction code project
This code implements the internally contracted multireference theory as published by our group. In addition, it also provides arbitrary order coupled-cluster calculations (for closed-shell cases) and explicitly correlated methods (the latter requires a special interface to a patched version of DALTON, please contact the main author, if interested).
Prerequisites: Linux operating system, Python 3.x, GNU autotools, Fortran compiler (gfortran, ifort), C compiler (gcc, icc)
Quantum chemical software: Interfaces exist for DALTON, Cfour, Molpro; there was also an interface to GAMESS, but this required a patch of GAMESS (have not looked into that for a long time). Most convenient integration is provided for Molpro.
Compilation - quick guide: (all actions should be carried out in the root directory of the project)
(1) Set up configure:
Ignore warnings, the generated configure script should normally work
(2) Configure: Try one of these
FC=ifort CC=icc ./configure --with-blas='-mkl=sequential'
FC=gfortran CC=gcc ./configure --with-blas='-lmkl_gf_lp64 -lmkl_core -lmkl_sequential -lpthread -lm'
I have not tried other blas libraries in a long time. Let me know about any other working solutions. GNU fortran works for version 8.1; newer versions are more picky about syntax issues, we fixed this by additional compiler command line parameters. Unfortunately, the code optimization of gfortran from version 10 on induces segmentation fault errors (while the code seems to compile corretly with -O0).
(3) Build:
make deps
make -j 8 # or as many processes as you like to spend
The binary will be /bin//gecco.x where is something like x86_64-linux-gnu-gfortran (you can use the same source code for building several versions on different systems or compilers)
(4) Set environment variables (e.g. in your .bashrc or similar):
export GECCO_DIR=<path to this project>
export GECCO_BIN=$GECCO_DIR/bin/<arch>/gecco.x # required for Molpro integration
export GECCO_TMP=/SCR/$USER/GECCOTEST.$$ # for testing; adapt as appropriate; should point to a scratch disk
(5) Test:
cd test
make -j 8 # to test on 8 threads
a shorter version is called by
make essential -j 8
(6) Use it! Documentation --> see Wiki