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Calendar View

This is a calendar view widget.


This widget uses Java Time APIs via via Java 8+ API desugaring for backward compatibility since these classes were added in Java 8.
This section is required if your App's minSdkVersion is below 26 ONLY. In the other case jump to Installation section.
Step 1. Add in you app build.gradle file the following code

compileOptions {
    // Enable support for the new language APIs
    coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
kotlinOptions {
    // For Kotlin projects only
    jvmTarget = "1.8"

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
  //java desugar
  coreLibraryDesugaring '${version}'


Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build.gradle file

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.akamaccio:CalendarView:${version}'


Add MmCalendarView into your layouts or view hierarchy.

    app:mmcv_arrow_right="@drawable/ic_arrow_right" />

Set the right and left arrows and, optionally, the other attributes:

  • mmcv_show_other_dates: show the dates out of the current month (by default, the outer dates are not shown)
  • mmcv_min_date: the calendar min date with yyyyMMdd format (the default value is the first day of the current month)
  • mmcv_max_date: the calendar max date with yyyyMMdd format (the default value is the current date)
  • mmcv_first_day_of_week: the first day of week (the default value is the default locale value)
  • mmcv_text_month_size: the month and year text size (the default color is 24sp)
  • mmcv_text_week_days_size: the week days text size (the default color is 16sp)
  • mmcv_text_header_color: the month, year and week days text color (the default color is black)
  • mmcv_text_day_size: the calendar day text size (the default color is 18sp)
  • mmcv_text_day_color: the calendar day text color (the default color is black)

The first 4 attributes can be set programmatically.
The other parameters that can be optionally set are:

  • the year and month text formatter
  • the days of week text formatter
  • the calendar day text formatter
  • the date on click listener
  • the date on long click listener
  • the month and year click listener
  • the month changed listener

To apply the parameters change the build() method must be called.

 mainBinding.calendarView.apply {
    minDate = LocalDate.of(2018, 1, 1)
    maxDate =
    showOtherDates = true
    firstDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.SATURDAY

Relevant methods

* This method scrolls the calendar to the provided [Temporal].
* @param temporal The temporal reference.
* @param smoothly <code>TRUE</code> if the scroll must be smooth, <code>FALSE</code> (default) otherwise.
fun moveTo(temporal : Temporal, smoothly : Boolean = false)

* This method refreshed all calendar.
* This method has a high computing cost and must be used just in case many calendar items has been updated.
* Use [notifyCalendarItemsChanged] instead.
fun notifyCalendarChanged()

* This method updated the provided [Temporal] items (e.g. [LocalDate] and [YearMonth]).
* @param items The list of temporal items to update.
fun <T : Temporal> notifyCalendarItemsChanged(vararg items : T)
* This method checks if the provided [LocalDate] is withing the min and max dates.
* @param localDate The local date to check.
* @return TRUE if the provided [LocalDate] is withing the min and max dates, FALSE otherwise.
fun isInRange(localDate: LocalDate) : Boolean


The widget can be enriched via decorators which allow to change the calendar day element style and content under defined conditions.

This feature with click listeners and calendar notification change methods allow to implement the calendar dates selection paradigm.

Some decorator examples are available in the MainActivity.kt file.

Known Issue

Both widget width and height cannot be set to wrap_content cause of ViewPager2 usage.