This repository contains the code created for my MSci Biochemistry project at UCL.
Core analysis code consists of,,, and For each distinct organism these scripts were repeated.
Aims to extract raw data from abysis, culminating in a FASTA formatted file containing sequences to be analysed.
The xml_parser function is responsible for extracting sequence data from raw abYsis files. It checks each record within the input_file and extracts all records that belong to the query_organism. The output_file is a CSV file with entries stored in a vertical format, shown below. The first column contains the residue itself; the second column, the number of this residue within the entire sequence; the third column the Chothia (or Kabat when Chothia is unavailable) numbering of this residue.
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 |
> | ID | Accession |
H | 1 | H1 |
L | 2 | H2 |
* | * | * |
> | ID | Accession |
H | 3 | H1 |
V | 4 | H2 |
L | 5 | H3 |
* | * | * |
The count_abysis function takes the output of the xml_parser function as it's in_file and determines how many records were extracted by counting the number of '>' characters it finds. Non-essential function used for figures and quality assurance.
The original_make_fasta takes the output of the xml_parser function as its input and converts ALL sequences into FASTA formatted sequences. It outputs a FASTA formatted file. Not used.
The make_fasta function is a more sophisticated version of the original_make_fasta function. It takes the output of the xml_parser function as input and selects which sequences should be converted into FASTA formatted sequences based on user input. If the version variable is set to 'EA' then all sequences that begin Chothia numbering on values other than 1 are excluded; all other sequences are included. If the version variable is set to 'T6' then sequences that start Chothia numbering on a maximum of 7 are included however placeholder residues are inserted. A sequence that begins Chothia numbering on H5, would thus have four placeholder residues inserted before its sequence begins.
The remove_spaces function takes the output of the make_fasta or original_make_fasta functions as an input. It removes all spaces from the input file. This is to prevent inconsistencies in either the sequence name or accession code causing issues downstream. It was noticed, for example, that some accession codes had spaces within them e.g. 0 001, which disrupted analysis.
The remove_short_sequences function takes the output of remove_spaces and removes FASTA sequences of less than 21 residues. Outputs to a new FASTA file.
remove_seqs_missing_residues: Handles sequences with native X insertions (i.e. not inserted by this code). If version is set to 'EA' then all sequences with X's in the N-terminal 21 residues are removed, all others are kept. If version is set to 'T6' then sequences with up to 6 X insertions in their N-terminal 21 residues are kept.
The seqkit_clean function takes a FASTA formatted file and removes duplicate sequences by both ID and sequence. The os variable is provided to distinguish between Linux and Windows operating systems. The function runs a commmand line process utilisng the SeqKit library. SeqKit is available for download at: Alternatively, the GitHub repo can be found at:
The convert_seqkit function takes the output of seqkit_clean as an input. After running SeqKit the FASTA file will be formatted in a manner that is difficult to manually look at. This function simply re-formats the file so it can be viewed manually and understood.
The count_num_queries function simply counts the number of FASTA sequences present in an in_file and returns output to the console
Runs tBLASTn on all query sequences utilising IMGT reference data. The functions within this code culminate in a csv file that contains Query ID, Alignment Description, and the N-terminal 21 residues of each query sequence.
The extract_ref_data function is used to extract reference query data from a FASTA formatted file. In the case of this project, this data derives from the IMGT (V-quest). Organism represents the name of the query organism, this must be as found in IMGT data. Region refers to V, D, J or C genes; in this project, V-region genes were exclusively examined. The function extracts relevant reference sequences, provided they are functional genes.
make_ref_blastdb utilises the data produced from extract_ref_date to construct a BLAST+ database. Database created via a command line process. -dbtype nucl specifies that this is a nucleotide database. The reference database should be named something like m_musculus_ref_db. Six files will be produced from this step, all of which contribute to the BLAST database.
tBLASTn_full carries out a commmand line process to run tBLASTn. The queries input variable should be a FASTA formatted file containg query sequences (derived from the Data Extraction steps). The database produced by make_ref_blastdb is provided to the function via the db variable (take care not to specify any single database file but rather all of them instead db e.g. m_musculus_ref_db rather than m_musculus_ref_db.nin). -outfmt 5 refers to the output format of this function (XML). The alignments in the XML file are ordered by E-value, with the best E-value being the first alignment within a record. The arguments soft_masking false and -seg no are passed to turn off low complexity filtering. The output of this function is very large (10s of GB for Mouse or Human) and the function can take hours to run depending on the number of query sequences.
The count_xml_blast_records function counts the number of BLAST records produced. This number should agree with the number of sequences counted by the count_num_queries function, and is used to check that each query sequence has a corresponding BLAST record. The NCBIXML parser is utilised in this function.
blast_output_xml2csv converts the output of tBLASTn_full from XML to CSV. Extracts only the top alignment (by E-value) for each BLAST record. The query ID and alignment description are outputted to a new CSV file, format of which shown below:
Query ID | Alignment Description |
Anti-A\00001 | refseq5115\mus musculus\IGHV1-21*04 |
Anti-B\00501 | refseq3113\mus musculus\IGKV1-39*02 |
The NCBIXML parser is utilised in this function.
convert_queries2csv converts FASTA formatted query sequences into a csv file, extracting only the first 21 residues of each sequence. This CSV file is then joined to the BLAST output CSV file to create the blout_queries file.
join_queries2blout: Attaches query sequence residues to the output of the file produced by blast_output_xml2csv. Resultant file is of the format shown below. This file is referred to as the blout_queries for the remainder of this ReadMe.
Query ID | Alignment Description | Query Sequence Residues |
Anti-A\00001 | refseq5115\mus musculus\IGHV1-21*04 | EVQLQESGPSLVKPSQTLSLT |
Anti-B\00501 | refseq3113\mus musculus\IGKV1-39*02 | DVVMTQIPLSLTVSLGDQASI |
Derives profiles for all subgroups. Culminates in a .txt file containing all subgroup profiles. Functions in this file are also used in later steps.
phrases is a simple RegEx function designed to provide a way of differentiating IGHV1 from IGHV11 (as found in BLAST alignment description). Python's 'in' cannot distinguish between these. Function used throuhgout project.
determine_subgroups. Master function for the determination of subgroups. Uses other functions to create a dictionary in the form shown below containing all possible subgroups.
{Mus musculus Heavy Chain 1:IGHV1, Mus musculus Heavy Chain 2:IGHV2, Mus musculus Kappa Chain 1:IGKV1, Mus musculus Lambda Chain 1:IGLV1}
This dictionary is required to manage the difference in outputs of BLAST (which assigns subgroups as 'IGHV1') and hsubgroup (which assigns subgroups as 'Mus musculus Heavy Chain 1').
get_sentences. Converts the 'numeric' subgroup codes derived from the get_numerics function into sentences e.g. 'IGHV1' to 'Mus musculus Heavy Chain 1'.
get_numerics: Root of all subgroup profile derivation functions. BLAST alignment description contains subgroup info in the form of IGHV1, IGHV2 etc. get_numerics creates strings e.g. IGHV1, IGHV2, IGHV3, IGHV4 ... IGHV30 and determines whether this string can be found in any of the BLAST alignment descriptions. If it is found, this subgroup is added to a list of confirmed subgroups. in_file is the blout queries file shown above. O. cuniculus and O. mykiss subgroups are all labelled as intrasubgroup subgroups e.g. IGHV1Sx. This function handles this in the following manner: If the organism variable is O. mykiss or O. cuniculus, for each subgroup string evaluated (e.g. IGHV1, IGHV2) a a sub_query variable is built e.g. IGHV1S. If the sub_query variable can be found in any of the BLAST records, then the main query is added to the numeric list. E.g. if 'IGHV1Sx' is found, 'IGHV1' is added to the numeric list. This maintains consistency of subgroup nomenclature and evaluation.
get_profiles: Master function to generate subgroup profiles. Must be run for each distinct chain e.g. Kappa, Lambda or Heavy ; this is done by changing the locus variable. in_file is the blout_queries file produced by earlier steps. freq_type can be 'log' or 'normal' and dictates whether the frequency of the residues in a profile should be count/number of sequences or log((count/number of sequences) + 1). matrix_type can be 'full' or '2line'. This function calls one of two functions depending on the matrix_type variable, detailed below.
derive_profiles_2line: Generates a 2line profile for a subgroup (1st and 2nd most common residues only). For each row in the blout_queries file, if the record alignment is found to contain the subgroup in question, the query residues are added to distinct lists. The first residue is added to list 1 , the second residue to the list 2, the third residue to the list 3 and so on. These lists can be visualised as 'columns', containing the residue each sequence presents at that specific position. From each of these lists the most commonly occuring (and the second most commonly occuring residues) are calculated as well as their frequencies. Once the most common residue has been calculated, a lambda function removes this residue from the list and the next most commonly occuring residue is determined. Before the number of residues/sequene entries within a list is calculated by len(list) X's are removed from the list. Passing freq_type as 'log' modifies the frequency such that f1 = log(f0 + 1), where f0 is the original frequency and f1 is the new frequency.
derive_profiles_full: generates a full profile for a subgroup (frequency of every residue at every position). For each row in the blout_queries file, if the record alignment is found to contain the subgroup in question the query residues are added to distinct list. The first residue is added to the list 1, the second residue to the list 2, the third residue to the list 3 and so on. From these lists, the frequency of every residue at every position is calculated.
Calculates the MCC for each subgroup. Culminates in a CSV file containing the MCC for each subgroup as well as other performance measures.
fasta2pir: hsubgroup requires that query sequences be in PIR format. This function takes a FASTA formatted queries file as infile and converts to PIR format, producing a new .pir file in the process.
run_hsubgroup. Takes the .txt file containing all subgroup profiles, as well as the PIR formatted queries file produced by fasta2pir as matrix_file and query_file respectively. Various parameters modify the action of hsubgroup: if the the profiles being used are 2line then matrix_type should be set to '2line', otherwise 'full'. For each query sequence two scores are generated, producing a CSV file of the form shown below:
Primary subgroup assignment | Score | Secondary subgroup assignment | Score |
Mus musculus Kappa Chain 1 | 98.65 | Mus musculus Kappa Chain 2 | 67.02 |
Mus musculus Lambda Chain 3 | 59.35 | Mus musculus Heavy Chain 14 | 32.92 |
This is referred to as the hsub_scores file
attach_scores_to_queries. As hsubgroup does not include SeqID information, this information must be attached to the scores by means of this function. This function uses the FASTA formatted queries and the scores_file produced by run_hsubgroup to write to a .csv file of the format shown below:
SeqID | Primary subgroup assignment | Score | Secondary subgroup assignment | Score2 |
MOPC'ACL\00001 | Mus musculus Kappa Chain 1 | 98.65 | Mus musculus Kappa Chain 2 | 67.02 |
Anti phos CD12\02059 | Mus musculus Lambda Chain 3 | 59.35 | Mus musculus Heavy Chain 14 | 32.92 |
This is referred to as the seqs_scores_file.
make_final_results is attaches the blout_queries file, produced in the steps to the seqs_scores_file, produced by the attach_scores_to_queries function. It produces a CSV file of the format shown below:
SeqID | Primary subgroup assignment | Score | Secondary subgroup assignment | Score2 | SeqID | BLAST Record | Residues | Organism |
MOPC'ACL\00001 | Mus musculus Kappa Chain 1 | 98.65 | Mus musculus Kappa Chain 2 | 67.02 | MOPC'ACL\00001 | refseq 5515\mus musculus\IGKV1-04 | EVQL... | Mus musculus |
Anti phos CD12\02059 | Mus musculus Lambda Chain 3 | 40.35 | Mus musculus Heavy Chain 14 | 28.92 | Anti phos CD12\02059 | refseq 6229\mus musculus\IGKV3-04 | LSTV... | Mus musculus |
This is referred to as the full_results file and it is the main file used for analysis of classifier performance.
check_assignment: Function derives the MCC for each subgroup, using the full_results file to do so. In the example of the full_results file shown above, check_assignment compares the primary assignment made by hsubgroup, in column 2 to the assignment made by BLAST in column 7. In the first row of this example file, hsugbroup has made the correct assignment of IGKV1. In the second row, hsubgroup has made an incorrect assignment; the subgroup assignment in column 2 does not match that in column 7. This incorrect assignment is also reflected by a low primary score by hsubgroup, indicating that the classifier is not 'confident' in its assignment. The output of this function is a .csv file containing performance measures for each subgroup. The 9th column contains the query organism, used in downstream analysis.
This function handles intrasubgroup subgroups in the following manner: For each subgroup evaluated the numeric code of the subgroup is determined by the my_dict[x] line. The alt_x variable adds an 'S' character to the end of this numeric code.Confusion matrix variables are alteratively evaluated using the alt_x variable.
Determines misclassified sequences for a given subgroup (FN or FP, user defined). Output files contain FASTA formatted sequences to be opened in JalView for alignment with MUSCLE and subsequent construction of phylogenetic trees in Mesquite (or other).
extract_misclassified_subgroup: For a given subgroup, extracts misclassifed sequences and outputs them to a FASTA file. Actual subgroup assignment is outputted to console (provided user passes pull_assignment as true. FN or FP can be selected by the misclassified_type variable.
extract_first_21_residues: Used for construction of phylogenetic trees. Takes the output FASTA file of extract_misclassified subgroups and extracts the first 21 residues of each sequences. Outputs to a new FASTA file
extract_random_TPs: Used in phylognetic tree construction. For a given subgroup, determines all True Positive entries (does not include intrasubgroup subgroups). From these true positive entries a random number are selected, defined by the variable number.
Determines the MCC for each species. Also carries out some analysis into the misclassified sequences.
The input for these steps is produced in the following manner. All subgroup profiles are combined into one file, using command line 'cat'. These are provided to hsubgroup. The query sequences for a given species are run in hsubgroup using the combined data file. These are matched to their corresponding BLAST records and for each species a final_results.csv is created. These final_results files are then combined using 'cat' on the command line. This produces a file containing all possible query sequences, their hsubgroup assignment, and their BLAST assignment.
check_species_assignment: For the 5 species examined in this research, the MCC is calculated. This function takes the combined full_results file discussed above as input and outputs a .txt file containing results.
determine_species_misassignment_master: Runs functions analysing misclassified sequences in the context of species analysis. Runs these functions for all organisms evaluated.
determine_species_misassignment_FNs: For a given organism, determines FNs. Outputs to console.
determine_species_misassignment_FPs: For a given organism, determines FPs. Outputs to console.
Determines the difference in scores between between correctly assigned and incorrectly assigned sequences.
difference_in_scores: For sequences in a full_results file, determines if they are TP, FP, FN, TN. If they are TP, the differecne between primary and secondary scores is calculated. If they are FP or FN, the difference is calculcated. Normal distributions generated to compare the scores.