GeoTODO was developed as the final assignment for the Web Development course for the Master in Geospatial Technologies at Universitat Jaume I. The simple web application serves as a Todo list, but has extended interactive map functionality. Users can create new errands or tasks as map markers on a web map, then add a due date and a description.
GeoTODO is a MEAN web application, referring to the applied technologies:
TODO list items are saved in a MongoDB noSQL database. They are created, read, updated and deleted using a RESTful interface. CRUD operations are defined in a NodeJS Express server. The Client interface is developed using AngularJS, ensuring a dynamic Model-View-Controller architecture.
To install and run GeoTODO the following software need to be installed locally:
- Git
- MongoDB
- NodeJS
- In your console (cmd, gitbash...), clone Git repository and enter the directory:
git clone
cd GeoTODO
- Enter the client and server folders and install node modules (make sure to run both code blocks from the root directory):
cd TODOClient
npm install
cd TODOServer
npm install
- Create and seed the GeoTODO database:
- Make sure MongoDB Server is running (execute mongod.exe in your MongoDB root directory)
- Run the MongoDB shell (execute mongo.exe in your MongoDB root directory)
- Copy, paste and execute the following code in the shell:
use geotodo;{"id": 1, "title": "To do number 1", "due_date": ISODate("2018-02-30"), "lat":39.9772525, "lng": 0.0210959});{"id": 2, "title": "To do number 2", "due_date": ISODate("2018-04-03"), "lat":39.9935806, "lng": -0.0864501});{"id": 3, "title": "To do number 3", "due_date": ISODate("2018-03-13"), "lat":39.972882, "lng": -0.0515582});{"id": 4, "title": "To do number 4", "due_date": ISODate("2018-02-20"), "lat":39.9966783, "lng": -0.0290749});{"id": 5, "title": "To do number 5", "due_date": ISODate("2018-03-08"), "lat":39.9766175, "lng": -0.0530854149125489});{"id": 6, "title": "To do number 6", "due_date": ISODate("2018-04-01"), "lat":40.0000804, "lng": -0.0659982});{"id": 7, "title": "To do number 7", "due_date": ISODate("2018-06-02"), "lat":39.9624566, "lng": -0.0172195});{"id": 8, "title": "To do number 8", "due_date": ISODate("2018-02-26"), "lat":39.9494619, "lng": -0.0739652});
- Run index.html from the TODOClient folder in your web browser
Alaa B. Abdelfattah ([email protected])
Fabian Perotti ([email protected])
Vanesa Peréz Sancho ([email protected])
Daniel Marsh-Hunn ([email protected])