Tags: albasili/jirafs
Toggle 1.17.0's commit message
Release 1.17.0; adds new functionality allowing one to disable the sa…
…ve jira password prompt.
Toggle 1.16.1's commit message
Release 1.16.1; Use the raw config parser rather than the one that al…
…lows interpolation.
Toggle 1.16's commit message
Release 1.16; Adds new automatic file conversion process and new plug…
…in methods supporting that.
Toggle 1.15.2's commit message
Release 1.15.2; Fixes macros with parameters and a minor bug in termi…
…nal color display.
Toggle 1.15.1's commit message
Release 1.15.1; Fix a compatibility error with the latest version of …
…the jira library.
Toggle 1.15's commit message
Issue 38: Properly set the field value when not using a key dotpath.
Toggle 1.14's commit message
Issue 34: Adding basic infrastructure changes supporting setting retu…
…rn codes from plugins.
Toggle 1.13.5's commit message
Release 1.13.5; fixes a bug that prevented handling of fields having …
…colons in their human-readable name.
Toggle 1.13.4's commit message
Release 1.13.4; fixes an issue in which cloning an issue not having a…
…n 'attachment' property would cause an exception to be raised.
Toggle 1.13.3's commit message
Release 1.13.3; minor phrasing changes in status messages.
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