(refactor) Add ItemsTable
as an abstraction for both CabinsTable
and SchoolYearsTable
(feat) Replace occupancy rate ProgressIndicator
with occupancy per week line chart
Summary page
(feat) Add bookings count info
(feat) Add cabins count info
(feat) Add school years count info
(feat) Add most booked day
(feat) Add bookings count per day heat map calendar (with school year RadioButtonList
(feat) Add popular times bar chart
Bookings page
(feat) Improve BookingCard
(feat) Add BookingStatus
info button
(feat) Animate BookingCard
and EmptyBookingSlot
time changes
(fix) Allow to change an existing Booking
↔ RecurringBooking
in BookingsForm
School Years page
(feat) Add SchoolYearsTable
(feat) Save SchoolYearManager
to file
(refactor) Change FileManager
following the Singleton pattern
(refactor) Rewrite loading files using FutureProvider
(refactor) Rewrite Lists as Sets using the SplayTreeSet
concrete implementation for proper ordering 5711a86
This introduced an unknown issue related to compute
isolation, which has been reverted (tracked in #5 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.