The CV PDF Generator is a React app used to build a CV and export it as a PDF.
- Add your picture in
- Fill out your information in
- Adapt CSS or scale in
if needed - Run the following commands in the terminal
npm install
npm run pdf
If you want to tweak your CV or debug some features you are implementing, you can run the dev server using:
npm run dev
- React + Vite
- Puppeteer for PDF generation
Contributing: Here's a quick guide for writing commit messages:
- Start with a type: Use fix:, feat:, docs:, etc., to indicate the nature of the change.
- Add a brief description: Follow the type with a concise summary of the change (2-4 words).
- Optional details: Use a blank line to separate the summary from a longer description if needed.
- Reference issues: Include issue numbers or tags if applicable
- Explore conventional commits documentation here: