- Server printing hotfix
- Fixed ClientPlayerEntity getting out of sync when joining a server, causing the printer to not print.
This patch aims to fix everything wrong with 2.2. Amenities include:
- 1.18.2 support
- Working "legit mode" and air print mode (toggle printInAir)
- When printInAir is toggled off, all placements require support blocks to avoid anti-cheats
- Overwhelming majority of all blocks placed correctly with automatic item usage on blocks like farmland,
end portal frames, layered snow and such - Fixes like no longer getting stuck on water blocks
- Should work on multiplayer :)
Should you come across any blocks that are placed incorrectly and are not mentioned in above blacklist of blocks, a crash or some kind of other unwanted behavior on the printer's side, please create an issue and I'll have a look.