This is an almost regular Minesweeper that runs on the IBM Quantum computer or simulator.
- Click with the left mouse button to discover tiles
- The number on tiles indicates how many bombs is around the tile you clicked
- Don't explode the cats (bombs), they have 50% chance of exploding (may the quantum randomness be in you favor !)
- To win the game, find the golden kitty (who moves based on whether you reveal a tile that isn't a bomb !)
A Hadamard gate is used on the qubit that represents the bomb and when the tile is clicked, the qubit is measured. It has a 50/50 chance of evaluating to a 1 (bomb explodes) or a 0 (bomb defuses).
The golden cat moves around based on your click. If you find it, you win 100% of the time.
If you click on a tile that is not an exploding bomb nor a blank tile (number tile, defused cat) then the golden cat moves one space in the direction of the tile you just clicked.
If a negatively evaluated bomb is clicked, the golden cat moves one space away.
This knowledge can be used as strategy to win the game.
Note : The current Qiskit dependency version is a really old version = 0.5.7. To update the version, you must modify the existing code and use up-to-date equivalents. For example, QuantumProgram is deprecated, you must now separately create a circuit and launch the execute(circuit, backend)
method. Source
Python 3 is needed
(Optional but strongly recommended) set up a venv with the command :
python -m venv venv
source venv/Scripts/activate
Install the dependencies with :
pip install -r requirements.txt
As a temporary workaround, you have to modify your qiskit dependency manually.
Go to : \venv\lib\site-packages\qiskit\dagcircuit\
and replace all occurences of .node[
with ._node[
in the following files :
Launch with :
python debug # For debugging mode