This plugin for Moment.js helps you to manage rules that should be fulfilled when working with dates.
Avoiding days of week.
var date = moment([2016, 8, 3]); // September 3, 2016 (Saturday)
var newDate = date.spec(function(rule){
rule.avoid('saturday', 'sunday');
// newDate is September 5, 2016 (Monday) because the rule say that the date should avoid saturday and sunday.
You also can specify the day of week by numbers from 0 (sunday) to 6 (saturday).
rule.avoid(5, 6, 0); // represents 'friday', 'saturday' and 'sunday'
Avoid specific dates.
moment([2016, 8, 5]), // you can use moment constructor
new Date(2016, 9, 5) // (and/or) native constructor
You also can pass an array as parameter.
var myInvalidDates = [
moment([2016, 0, 1]),
moment([2016, 3, 21])
Do you want put all together? No problem.
rule.avoid(0, 'Monday', new Date(2016, 8, 8), [
moment([2016, 0, 1]),
new Date(2016, 11, 31)
Or, you can call it multiple times.
rule.avoid('monday', 'wednesday')
.avoid(new Date())
This method ensures that the resulting date remains into a specific range.
You can specify five types of ranges: none (by default), week, quarter, month and year.
NOTE: The .range()
method must be used with the .avoid()
method, having no use if used alone.
var date = moment([2016, 5, 30]).add(1, 'month'); // July 30, 2016 (saturday)
var newDate = date.spec(function(rule){
rule.avoid(6, 0)
// newDate is July 29, 2016 (Friday)
In the case above, the .range('month')
makes that the resulting date remains in the month of July, otherwise the result would be August 1, 2016.
In short, the .range
method tells to .avoid
method to move the date back if the specified range is going to be violated.
This method is called immediately after all rules being applied and before you get the resulting date.
rule.avoid(6, 0)
if (result > moment([2016, 10, 30]))
result.month(10).endOf("month"); // mutates the result, not the original moment object.
The name is self explanatory, returns the easter sunday of an specified year.
moment([2016, 0, 10]).spec(function(rule){
var year = this.year(); // 'this' represents the moment object 'January 10, 2016'
var easter = rule.getEasterSunday(year); // March 27, 2016
There's also a static method of it.
The .spec
plugin does not mutates the original moment object.
var a = moment([2016, 8, 3]);
// 'a' is Saturday, September 3
var b = a.spec(function(rule) { rule.avoid('saturday'); });
// 'b' is Sunday, September 4
// 'a' is still Saturday, September 3
The moment locale affects the .avoid
method when you use string to specify the days of week.
rule.avoid("saturday", "sunday");
rule.avoid("sábado", "domingo");
rule.avoid("samedi", "dimanche");
Distributable under the terms of MIT License.