- yarn
- node 10+
- aws cli
- tsc
- Set your deployment region in the stack->region property of package.json.
- If you have never used CDK before, then the deployment command below may fail with a message saying that you first need to run
cdk bootstrap {accountId}/{region}
. This will deploy a small stack with resources for running CDK. Afterwards, run the below yarn command again.
yarn && yarn deploy
The cli will prompt for approval on IAM Roles and Permissions twice in the full deploy. Once for the backend stack and then again for the client stack. The cli will prompt for an email. After the deploy is complete, an email will be sent to address provided with credentials for logging in.
yarn deploy:stack
: deploys or updates the backend stackyarn deploy:client
: deploys or updates the client appyarn deploy:setup-samples
: push sample docs to s3yarn deploy:setup-user
: initiated prompts to set up a useryarn deploy:show
: displays the url of the client appyarn destroy
: tears down the CloudFormation backend stack
The package.json
script node stackname
sets the stackname for the deploy commands. Throughout development it has been imparative to maintain multiple stacks in order to allow client app development and stack architecture development to work without creating breaking changes. When a new stackname is merged into develop it should have the most up to date deployments.
This application uses next.js along with next-scss — all documentation for those packages apply here. NOTE: This application uses the static export feature of next.js — be aware of the limited features available when using static export.
- Clone this repository
- Run
to install/update packages - Run
yarn dev
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000
- NOTE: The dev build is noticeably slower than the production build because pages are built/unbuilt on-demand. Also, the code in the dev build is uncompressed and includes extra code for debugging purposes.
- Run
yarn export
to create a static export of the application. - In a terminal go to the
directory and runpython -m SimpleHTTPServer
- Navigate to http://localhost:8000
This project uses Prettier to format code. It is recommended to install a Prettier extension for your editor and configure it to format on save. You can also run yarn prettier
to auto-format all files in the project (make sure you do this on a clean working copy so you only commit formatting changes).
This project also uses ESLint and sass-lint to help find bugs and enforce code quality/consistency. Run yarn lint:js
to run ESLint. Run yarn lint:css
to run sass-lint. Run yarn lint
to run them both.
Run yarn license-report
to generate a license report for all npm packages. See output in license-report.txt
As you deploy this sample application, it creates different resources (Amazon S3 bucket, Amazon DynamoDB table, and AWS Lambda functions etc.). When you analyze documents, it calls different APIs (Amazon Textract) in your AWS account. You will get charged for all the API calls made as part of the analysis as well as any AWS resources created as part of the deployment. To avoid any recurring charges, delete stack using "cdk destroy".
There are 3 SQS queues created as part of this solution, and every one of them has a Lambda that is polling them once every 4 seconds. This means that, after about 15 days, the solution will use up the 1,000,000 requests associated with the AWS free tier, and you will start receiving charges for every SQS request. Please follow this link for more information: https://aws.amazon.com/sqs/pricing/
- Run: yarn destroy
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.