At limehome we are heavy users of python and bigquery. This library was created to mainly solve the following issues:
- Define table schemas in code and have a migration script to apply changes.
- On deploy make sure that all schemas were applied, otherwise abort.
- Guarantee that when we try to write data to a table, the data matches the schema of the table (required / optional, datatypes)
- Version our tables and enable migrations to a new schema
Additionally this library aims to help the users through the usage of python typing.
- Specify your schema as a python dataclass
- Our migration script converts the data class into a bigquery schema definition
- Deserialize rows into a dataclass instance, while reading from a table
- Serialize a dataclass instance into a dictionary and write it to the table.
The main benefit of combining all these features is, that we can guarantee that our code will run, before we deploy to production.
Since this library makes use of newer features of python, you need at least python3.7.
- Install the package
pip install bq_schema
- Create a schema and a table definition in
class Schema:
string_field: str = field(metadata={"description": "This is a STRING field."})
int_field: Optional[int]
some_floats: List[float]
bool_field: bool
class MyTable(BigqueryTable):
name = "my_table_name"
schema = Schema
If you have already tables created in your account, you can use the convert-table script to create a schema.
Note: The script produces a file which is meant to be a starting point. You will most likely have to add some imports yourself!
- Create your table
Hint: Make sure to have you credentials set:
Alternativly you can set the service_file as a environment variable:
export GOOGLE_SERVICE_FILE={"type": "service_account", ...}
Now create your table
migrate-tables --project my_project --dataset my_dataset --module-path my_table --apply
- Write a row
from import bigquery
row = Schema(string_field="foo", int_field=1, some_floats=[1.0, 2.0], bool_field=True)
row_transformer = RowTransformer[Schema](Schema)
serialized_row = RowTransformer.dataclass_instance_to_bq_row(row)
bigquery_client = bigquery.Client()
table = bigquery_client.get_table("project.dataset.my_table_name")
bigquery_client.insert_rows(table, [serialized_row])
- Validate you code with a type checker like mypy
- Read a row
query = "SELECT * FROM project.dataset.my_table_name"
for row in bigquery_client.query(query=query):
deserialized_row = row_transformer.bq_row_to_dataclass_instance(row)
assert isinstance(deserialized_row, Schema)
For a full list of supported types check the following schema:
from typing import Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass
from bq_schema.types.type_mapping import Timestamp, Geography
class RequiredNestedField:
int_field: int = field(metadata={"description": "This field is an INT field."})
class RequiredSchema:
string_field: str = field(metadata={"description": "This field is a STRING field."})
string_field_optional = Optional[str]
bytes_field: bytes
int_field: int
float_field: float
numeric_field: Decimal
bool_field: bool
timestamp_field: Timestamp
date_field: date
time_field: time
datetime_field: datetime
geography_field: Geography
required_nested_field: RequiredNestedField = field(metadata={"description": "This field is a STRUCT field."})
optional_nested_field: Optional[RequiredNestedField]
repeated_nested_field: List[RequiredNestedField]
If you want to have an class that inherits from BigqueryTable but does not actually map to a table in BigQuery (is abstract, common interface etc.), you can have it inherit from ABC and it will not be discovered if you pass the flag "--ignore-abstract"
migrate-tables ... --ignore-abstract
class SomeInterface(BigqueryTable, ABC):
class ConcreteImplementation(SomeInterface):
name="Some value here"
schema = SomeSchema
Without the flag, this would fail due to name and schema being required in "SomeInterface"
Timestamps are deserialized into datetime objects, due to the nature of the underlying bq library. To distinguish between datetime and timestamp use bq_schema.types.type_mapping. Usage:
from bq_schema.types.type_mapping import Timestamp
from datetime import datetime
the_timestamp = Timestamp(datetime.utcnow())
This library treats the geography data type as a string. BigQuery accepts geography values either in the WKT or GeoJson format. To actually parse and work with geodata in python, one could use the shapely library. Here is an example how to load a point from the WKT format:
from shapely.wkt import loads
loads('POINT (0 0)')
The bigquery class is used for:
- Recursive table discovery by our migrate-tables script
- Define table properties like name and schema
- name: The name of the table
- schema: table schema either as dataclass or a list of schema fields
- project: name of the project, can be overwritten by the migrate-tables script
- dataset: name of the dataset, can be overwritten by the migrate-tables script
Since bigquery does not allow backwards incompatible schema changes, you might want to version your schemas.project
class MyTable(BigqueryTable):
name = "my_table_name"
schema = Schema
version = "1"
By default the version will be appended to the table name, like so: my_table_name_v1. If you want to overwrite this behaviour, you can implement the full_table_name method.
Define time partitioning for your table:
from bq_schema.types.type_mapping import Timestamp
from import TimePartitioning, TimePartitioningType
class MyTable:
time_partitioning = TimePartitioning(
type_=TimePartitioningType.DAY, field="some_column"
This script has two uses:
- Check if locally defined schemas are in sync with the schemas in bigquery
- If a difference is detected, we try to apply the changes
The script will find all defined tables recursivly for a given python module.
Note: If you have not defined your project and / or dataset in code, you will have to pass it as a parameter to the script. Show the help:
migrate-tables --help
Check if tables are in sync. List all changes.
migrate-tables --module-path module/
If you want the script to fail on a change, add the validate flag. Useful for running inside your CI:
migrate-tables --module-path module/ --validate
Apply changes
migrate-tables --module-path src/jobs/ --apply
If you already have tables created in bigquery, this script print the corresponding dataclass for you.
Note: The script produces a file which is meant to be a starting point. You will most likely have to add some imports yourself!
Show the help:
convert-table --help
Print a table:
convert-table --project project --dataset scraper --table-name table_name >>
Clone the project.
Navigate into the cloned project.
Create a virtual environment with python version >=3.7
pipenv --python PYTHON_VERSION
$ pipenv --python 3.7
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.7 placeholder
Install flit via pip
$ pip install flit
Install packages
$ flit install --symlink
Run all code quality checks:
inv check-all
inv test
inv lint
inv type-check
inv format-code
Validate code is correctly formatted:
inv check-code-format