New home screen and map/replay loading screens
Macro hotkey system with "programmable" triggers and action sequences
New global options: minimap size, asset preload, default scene controller, anisotropy
Terrain now has mirrored edge tiles
Plugins API v2
Global Settings is no longer a plugin and now built into the app
Menus have been re-arranged. Plugin Settings is now called Command Center.
More optimizations to reduce GC usage, caused minor bugs in audio which will be addressed
HD is now the default (rather than HD2)
Flying units are further affected by terrain height
Deprecated plugins will not show in online tab
Shadows will be placed in default locations unless in "3d" mode
Regression in floating sprites is fixed
Regression creep edges fixed
Sprite overlay edges bug fixed
Bullet tracking now works on floating buildings
Regression on HP bar on resources now fixed
Follow unit now unfollows on minimap click
Previously on 0.5.3 release:
Tank mode siege tank turrets will now look better when camera rotated
When the camera target is above the horizon units will not rotate oddly
Disposing of the previous replay should execute before any additional plugin calls
UMS games that use set alliance now work (thank you Heinerman!)
Maps that use disabled doodads now work (thank you Heinerman!)
Observer chat won't break replays anymore
HD2 is no longer an option
Plugin API:
Deprecated getFPS.
Deprecated maxFrame and time fields from the useFrame() hook, use useReplay() and getFriendlyTime() instead
Keyboard shortcuts are no longer part of plugins and are now configured with the hotkey macro system.
You can’t perform that action at this time.