Wheel of Quotes is a command-line game inspired by the classic "Wheel of Fortune." Players are challenged to guess letters in famous quotes, aiming to solve the complete quote before running out of attempts.
We utilized the Quotes 500K Dataset from Kaggle. The raw data has been processed into smaller, easily parsable .txt files, located in the cmake-build-debug directory of the project.
- Game Modes: We sorted the data into the top ten categories in the dataset, and allowed players to choose a genre for their randomized quote.
- Play the Game: Test your knowledge and guessing skills with famous quotes.
- Comparative Algorithms: View and compare the performance of different algorithms used in the game.
- 10 Attempts: You have 10 tries to guess unique consonants in the hidden quote.
- Vowel Penalty: Guessing a vowel counts as 2 attempts due to their frequency.
- Guess the Quote: Input ! at any time to guess the entire quote.
- Correct guess: You win!
- Incorrect guess: You lose.
- User-Friendly Interface: Simple menu-driven CLI for easy navigation.
Playing the Game:
- You'll see a quote with missing characters.
- Enter letters to guess the missing characters.
- Consonants deduct 1 attempt.
- Vowels deduct 2 attempts.
- You have a total of 10 attempts.
- To guess the entire quote, input !.
- If correct, you win.
- If incorrect, the game ends.
- After the game concludes:
- Input 1: Restart the game.
- Input 2: Return to the main menu.
Running the game is straightforward. Follow these steps:
- Clone the Repository
- Cmkae build
Using an IDE:
- Open the project in your preferred IDE.
- Build the project using the IDE's build tools.
Run the Game:
- Execute the compiled binary.
No additional files or downloads are required.
- Programming Language: The game is written in C++.
- Compiler: Ensure you have a C++11 compatible compiler installed (e.g., GCC, Clang, MSVC).
Thank you! :p