Code to provide local controls for the Arup IoT desk. Utilises the tinkerforge hardware stack.
Intended to run on a tinkerforge redbrick but can run anywhere so long as you can connect to the tinkerforge stack over a network.
Will auto-detect bricklets compatible with the code and provide sensor readings / control of relays on a 128x64 OLED - joystick or multitouch can be used to navigate the menu.
Requires python-cryptography (use apt-get over pip) Install pip dependancies Testing: Start with ./python
Installation on Redbrick / Debian Jessie:
sudo cp deskcontrol /etc/init.d/deskcontrol
sudo update-rc.d deskcontrol defaults
sudo service deskcontrol start
- Add menu items to disable/change motion detection timer (currently 10 mins)
- Implement lighting control functionality (protocol tbc)
Ben Hussey [email protected]