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Releases: amcharts/amcharts5


26 Dec 11:03
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[5.7.3] - 2023-12-26


  • Scrollbar background was being drawn shifted since 5.7.2.


22 Dec 15:10
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[5.7.2] - 2023-12-22


  • New setting on Label: maxChars. If set to a number, will truncate text to X characters with ellipsis, obeying breakWords and ellipsis settings.
  • "Bull Bear Power" indicator added to StockChart.
  • "Acceleration Bands" indicator added to StockChart.
  • Standalone registerClass(name, classRef) added to Stock Chart package (global: am5stock.registerClass()). Allows registering own indicator class so that it gets properly serialized and restored.


  • Improved min/max calculation of the ValueAxis when all the values of a series are the same.


  • "Volume Profile" was showing up in the IndicatorControl's dropdown, even if volumeSeries was not set on the StockChart.
  • Left-side ValueAxis on a StockChart (opposite: false) it was impossible to right-align axis labels to plot area. Scrollbar's width was also not adjusted to the width of the plot area.
  • Some drawing tools in StockChart where not working when chart was in comparison mode.
  • Drawings created when StockChart was in comparinson mode were not carried over correctly when switching to regular value mode.
  • Some drawing tools ceized working when main StockChart series was updated.
  • Searchable dropdown controls in StockChart were not clearing up the list of found items when the search field was cleared.


18 Dec 10:40
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[5.7.1] - 2023-12-18


  • DataSaveControl was always clearing manually-saved drawings/indicators unless auto-save was enabled.
  • Drawing tools eraser and clear would not always clear drawings loeaded by a DataSaveControl.
  • VolumeProfileIndicator was not working if added via API.
  • VolumeProfileIndicator was drawn detached from the Y-axis in some cases.
  • Fixed VWAP indicator with data that contained zero-volume items.


17 Dec 10:15
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[5.7.0] - 2023-12-17


  • New Serializer setting: fullSettings. Will ignore depth settings for keys listed in fullSettings.
  • New StockAxis toolbar control: DataSaveControl. Allows to automatically or manually save all drawings and indicators to browser's local storage, as well as restore them across sessions. More info.
  • Added additional item in SettingsControl: Auto-save drawings and indicators.
  • New setting in SettingsControl: autoSave. Enables user to toggle auto-saving of indicators/drawings via Settings dropdown.
  • New setting in DropdownList and DropdownListControl: exclude. Can be set to an array of item IDs that should not appear in the list. Can be used to disable default list items.
  • New property in StockChart: spriteResizer. Holdes an instance of SpriteResizer which is used among drawing tools.
  • zoomable setting added to Axis. If set to false, calling axis.zoom() won't do anything, meaning that the axis won't be zoomed with scrollbars, wheel, cursor etc.


  • StockChart will only sync zoom between X axes that are of the same type as the main axis.
  • All drawing tools that allow selecting and resizing them (Label, Callout, Icons) will now use shared instance of SpriteResizer.
  • IndictorControl is now searchable by default (searchable: true).


  • PeriodSelector's buttons were not being reset when chart was zoomed manually.
  • Dropdowns in StockChart's control were not being positioned correctly in all cases on a page with RTL direction enabled.
  • Drawings loaded from serialized data were not being deleted with eraser or clear tools.
  • Elinated multiple calls to preparing data of StockChart indicators.
  • On StockChart, indicator's panel X-axis was out of sync with the main panel's X-axis if the latter's scale was longer to some other series on the main panel.
  • Italic toggle was being ignored in StockChart label drawing tools.
  • GaplessDateAxis was not always including the first date when using axis.zoomToDates(startDate, endDate) method.
  • When swiching to percent scale `StovkChart's main panel was showing wrong Y-axis numbers until first zoom.


30 Nov 14:01
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[5.6.2] - 2023-11-30


  • Middle handles added to Parallel channel drawings so that the drawing could be resized vertically.


  • Clicking on a last or any other bullet when drawing a polyline on a StockChart will terminate current polyline. The next click will start a new polyline.
  • extraMax and extraMin settings now work on GaplessDateAxis. This allows adding extra space in front (or back) of your data. We recommend setting maxDeviation to 0 if you use extraMax.


  • In some rare cases (with a specific data count and groupData set to true) the chart was continously switching from monthly to weekly group interval causing the chart to flicker.
  • Tick position was not always correct with minorGridEnabled set to true.
  • On a DateAxis when gridInterval was set to week, it still showed minor grid lines even when baseInterval was also week.


27 Nov 12:56
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[5.6.1] - 2023-11-27


  • New default rule added to ResponsiveTheme that will hide minor axis labels below XXL (1000px) breakpoint.
  • IndicatorControl will not list Indicators that rely on volume if chart's volumeSeries is not set.


  • Fixed stacking of bullets with varying centerY.
  • role setting for Root element was being ignored.
  • Setting name for a Series would not right away update labels of its related legend item.


26 Nov 10:03
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[5.6.0] - 2023-11-26


  • addBullet(dataItem, bullet) method added to Series. Allows adding a Bullet directly to a particular data item instead of adding bullet function to the series. More info.
  • stacked (available values: "up", "down", "auto") setting added to Bullet. Allows enabling of automatically stacking bullets on an XYSeries. More info.
  • field (available values: "open", "high", "low", "value") setting added to Bullet. Works with XYSeries only. Allows setting a particular data field where the bullet should displayed at. Note: locationX``locationY settings will be ignored if field is set. More info.
  • New Root element setting: focusPadding (default: 2). Allows specifying distance between focused element and the focus outline.
  • Minor grid/labels added on AxisRenderer with new settings minorGridEnabled and minorLabelsEnabled (default: false). More info.
  • New setting minorDateFormats added to DateAxis. Allows setting different formats for minor grid labels. More info.


  • When DateAxis is in weekly grid mode, it will now use multiLocation for labels instead of location.
  • Placement of grid/labels is improved on DateAxis and GaplessDateAxis.


  • Truncating was not working properly on circular labels.
  • Fixed potential conflict of responsive rules in ResponsiveTheme.
  • Issues fixed with data items appearing in wrong place on a chart with data grouping enabled and timezone set.
  • DrawingControl.unserializeDrawings() method was broken since 5.5.7.


17 Nov 16:05
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[5.5.7] - 2023-11-17


  • Two new settings on a ClusteredPointSeries: scatterDistance and scatterRadius. Allow exploding clusters of very close points when further zoom-in is no longer possible. More info.


  • PieSeries was not issuing proper colors for its slices with some JSON config setups.
  • In StockChart when percent mode was being switched off and related series toggled via legend, it would revert to percent mode.
  • When updating data on a PieSeries its ticks could be displayed going all the way to the center briefly.
  • Changing data on a main series in a StockChart was not updating related indicators properly.
  • Legend marker for a LineSeries with bullets could display incorrectly if the whole chart was created before adding it to the Root container.


10 Nov 11:36
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[5.5.6] - 2023-11-10


  • Each <canvas> element in chart will now have its class set to reflect its layer/order, so it can be targeted with CSS. E.g. am5-layer-0.
  • ClusteredPointSeries added. Allows automatically clustering closely-located bullets into groups. More info.
  • zoomToDataItems() method added to MapPointSeries. Can be used to zoom to a number of series data items so all of them are visible.


  • DataProcessor was not parsing timestamp-based string dates ('"x"') properly.
  • strokeGradient set on an AxisRenderer was not being applied (since 5.5.5).


06 Nov 16:03
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[5.5.5] - 2023-11-06


  • SMA line added to Relative Strength Index indicator in StockChart.
  • A possibility to draw a Parallel Channel added to StockChart.


  • Removed dependency on the regression npm package.


  • Change of minGridDistance setting on AxisRenderer was not being applied until next redraw.
  • Snapping of StockChart drawings sometimes worked incorrectly.
  • Average line was drawn incorrectly on a StockChart (since 5.5.2).