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Releases: amcharts/amcharts5


01 Nov 13:20
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[5.5.4] - 2023-11-01


  • All StockChart indicators with OverBought/Oversold ranges were zooming to the selected series range (they should not).


01 Nov 12:35
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[5.5.3] - 2023-11-01


  • New indicator "Stochastic Momentum Index" added.
  • All StockChart indicators with OverBought/Oversold ranges (Commodity Channel Index, Relative Strength Index, Stochastic Momentum Index, Stochastic Oscilator and Williams R) have now middle line between oversold/overbought. Also a draggable grip added to oversold/overbought ranges which allows user to change values by dragging these grips.
  • New StockChart toolbar control: DropdownControl. Can use to add any content to be displayed in a dropdown when clicked. More info.


  • Changed defaults on a StockPanel: wheelY: "zoomX", panX: true, panY: true. Previously, those were hardcoded in ChartIndicator, which prevented a possibility to change them via a theme.
  • Changed defaults on an AxisRendererY: pan:"zoom". This adds zoom possibility for all Y axes of a StockChart (previously indicator Y axes where not zoomable).
  • IndicatorControl now extends DropdownListControl for consistency.
  • IndicatorControl has now scrollable: true set by default.
  • Tweaked number formats for indicator legend items.
  • Default ordering of indicators in IndicatorControl changed.


  • Returning empty string from labelHTML adapter on a Tooltip in some cases could result to an error.
  • Timezone formatting with "z" codes in DateFormatter was not always correct.
  • XYChart could flicker on Safari browser in some rare responsive CSS setups.


27 Oct 08:21
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[5.5.2] - 2023-10-27


  • customValue added to ISeriesDataItem and customValueField to Series. Allows storing additional numeric information which could be used for heat rules and other purposes.
  • A middle line between oversold and overbought added to StockChart's RSI indicator.
  • While drawing polygon in a StockChart, a line is drawn from the previous point to mouse pointer.
  • New setting scrollable (default: false) added to StockChart's DropdownList and DropdownListControl (as well as other controls that extend those, e.g. ComparisonControl). If set to true, will autoamtically limit dropdown height to fit into chart, and will show scrollbar if the contents do not fit.
  • Measure tool added to StockChart (as a drawing item).
  • toolSettings setting added to DrawingControl. Allows passing in default settings for each drawing tool. More info.


  • Printing via ExportingMenu print functionality using "CSS" print method will now temporarily remove all margins and padding on body so that images that do not fit into single page do not produce a blank page.
  • StockChart's Fibonacci drawing tool now draws from initial click point to the mouse pointer instead of to the right of the plot area.
  • StockChart's Fibonacci drawing tool's click point is now at 1 value (was at 0).
  • Most of drawing tools of StockChart now support snapping to data items.
  • Snapping to data items in StockChart drawing tools is now turned off by default.


  • If an axis range was created for a ColumnSeries after series was inited, columns for the range were not being created.
  • GaplessDateAxis valueToPosition method was returning wrong position if value was less than min value of the axis.
  • Unserializing indicators and drawings that create separate panel in a StockChart would not restore drawings in indicator's panel.


19 Oct 11:16
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[5.5.1] - 2023-10-19


  • Not all visual settings from columns were being copied to their legend markers.
  • Data items with identical timestamps in data could sometimes be ignored when plotting series.
  • drawingsInteractive(false) was not having an effect on some drawing tools (Vertical/Horizontal/Ray Line).
  • CategoryAxis' elements (e.g. labels and grid) were ignoring forceHidden setting.
  • Some line elements (e.g. grid) were being drawn somewhat blurry since 5.4.9.


17 Oct 12:10
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[5.5.0] - 2023-10-17


  • zoomTo (values: "start" and "end" (default)) added to PeriodSelector. If set to "start", period buttons will selectg from the start of the data, not from the end. "YTD" will still select to the end. More info.
  • PeriodSelector now supports "custom" periods. More info.
  • New filter settings added to Sprite: blur, brightness, contrast, saturate, sepia, invert, hue. More info. These filters are not supported by Safari browsers.
  • New GrainPattern added. Allows adding grainniness effect to any element. More info.
  • New private setting trustBounds added to Sprite. If set to true, the Sprite will check if a mouse pointer is within bounds of a Sprite before dispatching its pointer events. This helps to solve ghost tooltips problem which sometimes appears while moving the pointer over interactive objects. It is set to true by default on Rectangle and Circle.


  • Previously elements only supported one fill at a time - either fill or fillGradient or fillPattern. Now fill or fillGradient will be drawn even if fillPattern is set. This allows combining
    patterns with gradient fills.
  • Gradients no longer inherit parent object's fill.
  • It is now possible to draw annotations on a StockChart outside X-axis' min/max using axis overzoom.
  • If a forceHidden for the tooltip is set to true the tooltip size won't be taken into account when arranging tooltips on an XYChart.


  • An error was being thrown when chart with focused element was being disposed.
  • If a series had data items without value and axis was zoomed so that only these data items were in range, the series used its full min and max values resulting value axis to be fully zoomed out.
  • Using hide()/show() methods on an axis data item would no hide its visual elements.
  • Drawing annotations on a StockChart with timezone set was a bit wonky.


10 Oct 08:57
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[5.4.11] - 2023-10-10


  • SliceGrouper would use first color in series for a "group" slice if series was using a color set with custom list of colors.
  • Fixed a problem where no series was displayed after data with all 0 values was set (since 5.4.10).
  • forceInactive was not working on Container.
  • drawingsInteractive(value: bool) method in StockChart was not working properly.


06 Oct 20:23
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[5.4.10] - 2023-10-06


  • StockChart settings stockPositiveColor and stockNegativeColor was being ignored in some cases since 5.4.9.


06 Oct 06:34
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[5.4.9] - 2023-10-06


  • drawingsInteractive(value: bool) method added to StockChart. false will make current annotations (drawings) to be fully static (non-editable).


  • Zoom out button on XYChart was not focusable.
  • Pulled out slices of a PieSeries could overlap with other slices if some slices were hidden.
  • Pinch-zooming was not working properly in XYChart.
  • Candlesticks on a StockChart were being colored based on previous period close value instead of current period open value.


22 Sep 14:07
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[5.4.8] - 2023-09-22


  • Momentum indicator added to StockChart.


  • "z" date formatting codes were not respecting the Root.timezone setting.
  • If a new data was loaded and groupData of DateAxis was changed from true to false, the chart was not displaying the newly-loaded data properly.
  • Accessibility: togglable elements like legend items were not being toggled by ENTER and SPACE keys with some screen reaaders (JAWS, Narrator) active.
  • RST indicator of StockChart was always using "close" value even if a different value was selected in the settings.
  • In some case chart could freeze when selecting with an XYCursor and releasing outside plot area.
  • If a new animation of the same setting was created right after previous animation finished (on Animation's "stopped" event) the animation would not play.


18 Sep 13:59
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[5.4.7] - 2023-09-18


  • panelResizer property added to StockPanel. Holds an instance of an element used as a grip for resizing a panel.
  • originalEvent added to all XYCursor events.
  • selectcancelled event added to XYCursor.


  • HTML axis label on a circular chart were causing unnecessary CPU usage in some setups.