Content of a Social Post
- Title
- Text content
- Like count
- Datetime when posted
- User who posted
POST: Get a new JWT by passing username and password/api/auth/token/refresh/
POST: Get a new JWT by passing an old still valid refresh token./api/auth/token/verify/
POST: Verify a token by passing the access token in the body/api/registration/
POST: Register a new user by asking for an email (send email validation code)/api/registration/validation/
PATCH: Validate a new registered user with a validation code sent by email/api/auth/password-reset/
POST: Reset users password by sending a validation code in an email/api/auth/password-reset/validation/
PATCH: Validate password reset token and set new password for the user
GET: Get all the users or filter them by search string./api/users/<int:user_id>/
GET: Get specific user/api/users/me/
GET, PATCH, DELETE: Get logged in user
POST: Toggle following a user/api/social/followers/followers/
GET: List of all the logged in user’s followers/api/social/followers/following/
GET: List of all the users the user is following
POST: Send friend request to another user/api/social/friends/requests/<int:friend_request_id>/
GET,PATCH,DELETE: Get Update (Accept, Reject) or Delete an open friend request/api/social/friends/requests/?status=<str:status>
GET: List of all friend requests logged in user is in filtered by status/api/social/friends/
GET: List all accepted friends¨
GET,POST: user can make a new post by sending post data, or get all posts./api/social/posts/<int:post_id>/
GET, PATCH, DELETE: get a specific post by ID and display all the information about that post. Update or delete it if logged in user is the original poster/api/social/posts/<int:user_id>/?search=<str:search_string>
GET: lists all the posts of a specific user in chronological order/api/social/posts/me/?search=<str:search_string>
GET: lists all the posts of logged in user./api/social/posts/following/?search=<str:search_string>
GET: lists all the posts of of users the logged in user is following./api/social/posts/friends/?search=<str:search_string>
GET: lists all the posts of of users the logged in user is following./api/social/posts/toggle-like/<int:post_id>/
POST: toggle like a post/api/social/posts/likes/
GET: the list of the posts the user likes
GET, POST: Create new post or get all comments of a post.