Sample Bank allows you to manage your account, choose the cheaper account plan based on your needs and find the nearest branch from your location.
Branch: 0001
Account number: 12345
Password: Qwerty@123
- Account Manager: Transfer and get balance of Savings and Checking accounts
- Plan Simulator: Check the cheapest plan based on your needs
- Branch Finder: Find the nearest branch to your location
- Frontend: Application interface
- Node.js 12+
- PostgreSQL 12+
- MongoDB 4.2+
- Google Maps API key
- Docker (optional)
You can run all services with docker-compose (now a Docker command)
$ docker compose up --build
After all services are up, go to each service and populate the tables on the database (you can find the routes on Postman)
- Transfer money between accounts
- Get balance for Savings and Checking accounts
- Node.js
- Jest
- PostgreSQL
External Services
- PostgreSQL
Environment Variables
- DB_HOST: Postgres host
- DB_USER: Postgres user
- DB_PASSWORD: Postgres password
- DB_NAME: Postgres DB name
- SECRET_TOKEN: Secret used to create JWT tokens
Live OpenAPI (former Swagger)
Postman collection on ./backend/account-manager/src/docs/postman.json
Docker (recommended)
Make sure you have the.env
file with the environment variables
$ test -e ./backend/account-manager/.env && echo file exists || echo file not found
Add permission to execute the script
$ chmod +x
Run the script
$ ./startAccountManagerWithDocker
On first run: populate tables on DB (you can find the route on Postman) -
Go to the service folder
$ cd backend/account-manager
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Run tests
$ npm test
Start service
$ npm run start:local
On first run: populate tables on DB (you can find the route on Postman)
- Simulate which plan is cheaper for your needs: Basic or Pro
- Get pricing for all plans
- Node.js
- Jest
- PostgreSQL
External Services
- PostgreSQL
Environment Variables
- DB_HOST: Postgres host
- DB_USER: Postgres user
- DB_PASSWORD: Postgres password
- DB_NAME: Postgres DB name
Live OpenAPI (former Swagger)
Postman collection on ./backend/plan-simulator/src/docs/postman.json
Docker (recommended)
Make sure you have the.env
file with the environment variables
$ test -e ./backend/plan-simulator/.env && echo file exists || echo file not found
Add permission to execute the script
$ chmod +x
Run the script
$ ./startPlanSimulatorWithDocker
On first run: populate tables on DB (you can find the route on Postman) -
Go to the service folder
$ cd backend/plan-simulator
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Run tests
$ npm test
Start service
$ npm run start:local
On first run: populate tables on DB (you can find the route on Postman)
- Typescript
- Jest
- MongoDB
External Services
- MongoDB
- Find the nearest branch to the given location (latitude, longitude).
Environment Variables
- DB_CONN_STR: MongoDB connection string
Live OpenAPI (former Swagger)
Postman collection on ./backend/branch-finder/src/docs/postman.json
Docker (recommended)
Make sure you have the.env
file with the environment variables
$ test -e ./backend/branch-finder/.env && echo file exists || echo file not found
Add permission to execute the script
$ chmod +x
Run the script
$ ./startBranchFinderWithDocker
On first run: populate tables on DB (you can find the route on Postman) -
Go to the service folder
$ cd backend/branch-finder
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Run tests
$ npm test
Start service
$ npm run start:local
On first run: populate tables on DB (you can find the route on Postman)
- React.js
- Material UI
External Services
- Google Maps API
Environment Variables
- ACCOUNT_MANAGER_API: Account Manager backend URL
- PLAN_SIMULATOR_API: Plan Simulator backend URL
- BRANCH_FINDER_API: Branch Finder backend URL
- Google Maps key (on
Before running, you need to replace the Google Maps API Key on ./frontend/public/index.html
Docker (recommended)
Make sure you have the.env
file with the environment variables
$ test -e ./fronend/.env && echo file exists || echo file not found
Add permission to execute the script
$ chmod +x
Run the script
$ ./startFrontendWithDocker
Go to the service folder
$ cd frontend
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Start service
$ npm start
The architecture diagram was generated using Python's lib Diagram.
- Python 3.7+
- Graphviz
For MacOS:$ brew install graphviz
For another OS, check the installation info
- Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Generate diagram
$ python
The file will be saved on the current working directory.
These files are licensed under the MIT License