Internet of Things Project - Smart Grocery
Steps to take:
- Setup 2 Raspberry Pi according to the fritzing diagrams below
- In the above Raspberry Pi, there is another hx711 sensor. It can be patched by: VCC pin to 5V, GND pin to GND, DT pin to GPIO5 and SCK pin to GPIO6.
- On both Raspberry Pi, add the following into the file "requirements.txt":
- Asgiref
- autopep8
- django==2.2.10
- pycodestyle
- pytz
- sqlparse
- Unipath
- dj-database-url
- python-decouple
- gunicorn
- whitenoise
- boto3
- simplejson
- requests
- Save the file and execute "pip3 install -r requirements.txt"
- Execute "sudo raspi-config". Go to interface setttings and inteface options -> enable Serial User need to check what interface the barcode is on. it might be on /dev/hidraw0 or /dev/hidraw1 or in some cases /dev/hidraw2 . User need to then go to line 118 of and edit accordingly.
- On the 1st Raspberry Pi, Open Arduino IDE and upload "capture_light.ino"
- Execute the following files in different terminals on the 1st Raspberry Pi:,,
- Execute the following on the 2nd Raspberry Pi: “python makemigrations” and “python migrate”
- On the 2nd Raspberry Pi, execute “python runserver” to start the web application. To specify port number, add<port_no> at the end.
- Execute "" for Telegram Bot.