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Releases: amule-project/amule

2.3.3 - The "delayed too many times, but still not too late" version

07 Feb 23:03
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Yes, it's been delayed too many times, but finally it's out! With all the new features and bug fixes from the past four years! Let me highlight some for you:

  • CMake support. CMake provides us platform-independent configuration files and generates native makefiles and workspaces for the compiler of your choice. It's highly experimental in its current state, but it aims to take the place of good old autoconf/automake one day.
  • Command completion with the TAB key in amulecmd.
  • Supports compilation with the latest C++ standard (C++17).
  • Scope graphs now (should) work on Mac.
  • Notification when a download completes.

For the full list of changes see the Changelog.

Download aMule - all-platform eMule P2P Client


  • For UPnP you need at least libupnp-1.6.7.
  • For C++17 you need at least Cryptopp-6.0.0.
  • For notifications you need at least wxWidgets-2.9.0.

2.3.2 - The "don't close tabs" version

16 Sep 08:16
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The 2.3.2 version is mainly a bugfix release, containing only a few new features. However, it fixes a lot of bugs that ruined the lives of users of the previous version. But beware! We're also thinking of the future, therefore we still left some bug in our code, for you to find them. πŸ˜‰

To get an idea of what's featured in this release here are some of the changes:

  • Implemented the missing Show Shared command in amulecmd.
  • Fixed "Disable computer's timed standby mode" for MacOS 10.9 Mavericks
  • Display hashing progress in progress bars
  • Fixed loading of zipped IP filter
  • Read AICH root hashes from binary eMuleCollection files
  • ... and many many more...

You can read the full list of changes here.

Known Issues

  • aMule at the moment supports wxWidgets versions 2.8.12 - 3.0.2. wxWidgets 3.1 is not supported! This also means that you might encounter problems with GTK+3, see issue #51.
  • Closing search tabs might make aMule crash. If you experience this problem you can try the patch suggested in pull request #62, but please read carefully the explanation on why it isn't included in the release.