Display a bit-mapped image on the Nokia 1202 LCD. This LCD is a monochrome, backlit, 96x68 pixel display. It uses the ST Microelectronics STE2007 driver chip.
The image was originally drawn for a demo at Dorkbot Bristol in 2012. The PPM file is converted into a C header file by a small utility program 'ppm2h' which is built and executed by the Makefile.
The program is in C and may be compiled with GCC on Linux.
Name | Port | Pin | Activity |
CS | P1.4 | 6 | Chip Select |
SCK | P1.7 | 9 | SPI Clock |
SDA | P1.5 | 7 | SPI Data |
RESET | P1.2 | 4 | Unused |
First of all, we'll need the MSP430 cross-compiler:
sudo apt install gcc-msp430
To program the chip, we need 'mspdebug':
sudo apt install mspdebug
To build the PPM conversion tool, we'll need 'build-essential':
sudo apt install build-essential
Finally, to compile and link the code:
An additional Makefile target is used to program the chip:
make prog