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R-based genomics workflow management

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Flow is an R package that enables local configuration and execution of analysis modules on annotated sets of entities (e.g. pairs, individuals, samples). Jobs can be either deployed locally or to a cluster, then monitored and managed. Once jobs complete, their outputs can be attached back to their respective entities as annotations for easy import back into a database or merging with a flat file table.

Like in the Broad Institute's Firehose platform (, a job consists of a task run on an entity (e.g. pair, individual, sample). A task wraps around a module and binds module arguments to names of entity-specific annotations or fixed literals which can represent paths (e.g. a bam file path) or values (e.g. 200). A task also specifies the binding of module outputs to output annotations. A job is created by applying a task to a set of entities, which correspond to keyed table of entity-specific annotations (e.g. bam_file_wgs, seg_file, etc). Once a job completes, one or more output annotations (i.e. paths to output files) are attached to the respective entity in an output table. See illustration below:

Flow Schema

Setting up entities and tasks

Entities are stored in a keyed R data.table of annotations. This table can be pulled down from firehose or fiss and imported into R via the data.table function fread(). It can also be obtained via fiss_get() from skidb or obtained from a data.frame using The entities data.table must have a key (e.g. pair_id) and that key must have a unique value for each entity / row.

Tasks are configured via an .task file. This is a text file whose first (non #-commented) line is a path to a Flow module directory (i.e. a directory containing a hydrant.deploy file). The subsequent rows are tab delimited with 3 or 4 columns, and specify the input and output bindings of a task. The first column of every row is 'input' or 'output'. If the first column is 'input', the second column specifies the module argument name that is being bound, the third column specifies the annotation, and fourth column has value 'path' or 'value' depending on whether the annotation specifies a path or a value. If the first column is output, then the second column is the output annotation name and the third column is a regexp specifying how to pull the file from the module output directory. See the example below.

An entity table is combined with an .task task configuration to create an Job, which is a vectorized R object used to run, manage, query, and poll the outputs associated with a set of jobs. Instantiation of an Job object creates multiple subdirectories (by default under ./Flow/) with the task name as sub-directory and entity names as sub-sub directories. One can use cmd() or bcmd() methods to extract shell commands for running the jobs locally or on the cluster (LSF or SGE), or the jobs can be launched directly from R via the run() or brun()/qrun() methods. As jobs are executed locally or on the cluster, their outputs will be placed into their appropriate entity-specific subdirectories (as in firehose), and any output annotations that are attached after job completion will refer to files residing under their respective task / entity subfolder.


Here's an example of building a dummy module, configuring it to a task, and applying that task to several entities representing tumor normal pairs.

To get started, (install and) load the Flow R package


We grab the table of entities from a tab delimited file and set the key to pair_id. This table comes with the Flow package.

entities = fread(system.file('extdata', 'entities.txt', package = 'Flow'))
setkey(entities, pair_id)

To get things set up we will set up a directory called ~/FlowExample. (Make sure you don't have an important directory called ~/FlowExample, and if so just replace this path with another path in all the text that follows).

system('mkdir -p ~/FlowExample')

Now we make a module, lets put it in a modules subdirectory of FlowExample. (In practice, you will have a static directory containing all your modules, which represent reusable code that you will bind to multiple task configurations and apply to many different jobs)

system('mkdir -p ~/FlowExample/modules/dummymodule')

The module directory contains all the libraries and code associated with a given module. It also contains a flow.deploy file containing a one-liner with placeholders that will be executed at runtime.

Let's create the flow.deploy file in this location


In this file, put one line:

command: <libdir> ${ analysis_id } ${ tumor_bam } ${
normal_bam } ${ error_rate } ${ panel_of_normals } ${ variant_mask }

All this file needs is a single line prefaced by "command:" (everything else is ignored). In this example, that lin contains a call to and some placeholder variables that are the module inputs. The module inputs are specified using the syntax: ${ INPUTNAME } (spaces included).

The in the flow.deploy file is a reserved word that points to the directory where the module (and all of its code and files) is sitting. At runtime, the code will be run in a job specific output directory, and it will need to have a pointer to the module directory e.g. to reference scripts and libraries. For example, here it's used to specify the path to, which we still need to create.

Let's make the actual dummy script which we store in an executable file


In this file we write a simple script that makes a blank vcf and outputs a useless report:

echo "#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\tFORMAT\t$1.tumor\t$1.normal" > $1.vcf

echo "analyze bam files $2 and $3 on pair $1 using dummy algo with error rate $4 and panel of normals $5 
and variant mask $6" >  $

If you haven't done so make sure the script file is executable

system('chmod +x ~/FlowExample/modules/dummymodule/')

(milestone: we've finished making a module!)

Next thing to do is to make a task configuration to wrap around this module, and store it in a .task file. Again, the .task file binds the module arguments to the columns of the entities data.table and/or literal arguments, which can be either paths or values. This configuration will also be relatively static across many jobs that you will end up running on different entities tables.

First make a tasks directory - this will store task configurations.

system('mkdir -p ~/FlowExample/tasks')

To generate a skeleton .task configuration for our dummy module, call


This will output to the screen a skeleton task configuration that you can paste into a document and populate with values (i.e. bind <INPUT_BINDING> to an actual value and choose path or value) for the fourth column.

 #Module dummymodule ("<libdir> <tumor_bam> <normal_bam> <error_rate> <panel_of_normals> <variant_mask> <fla...>")
 input      tumor_bam         <INPUT_BINDING>       <(path)|(value)>
 input      normal_bam        <INPUT_BINDING>       <(path)|(value)>
 input      error_rate        <INPUT_BINDING>       <(path)|(value)>
 input      panel_of_normals  <INPUT_BINDING>       <(path)|(value)>
 input      variant_mask      <INPUT_BINDING>       <(path)|(value)>
 input      flags             <INPUT_BINDING>       <(path)|(value)>
 output                       <OUTPUT_ANNOTATION>   <OUTPUT_REGEXP>

Copy and paste this text to a .task file in the tasks directory: "~/FlowExample/tasks/dummy.task". Now, fill in this task configuration by binding the module inputs to table columns or static values (or just paste the fully configured task text below).

#Module dummymodule ("<libdir> <tumor_bam> <normal_bam> <error_rate> <panel_of_normals> <variant_mask> <fla...>")
input      tumor_bam         Tumor_clean_bam_file_wgs                        path
input      normal_bam        Normal_clean_bam_file_wgs                       path
input      error_rate        "0"                                             value
input      analysis_id       pair_id                                         value
input      panel_of_normals  "~/FlowExample/testdata/panel_of_normals.txt"   path
input      variant_mask      "~/FlowExample/testdata/mask.bed.gz"            path
output     vcf               .vcf$
output     quality_metrics   report.txt$

The first non-'#' row in the .task file refers to the module directory. Note that there are "input" rows and "output" rows, each which are tab delimited. The format is pretty flexible, but you need be sure there is at least one tab or at least two spaces between each column.

Note the difference between the input rows (4 columns) vs the output rows (3 columns). The third column of each output row specifies a regular expression that will be matched against the files outputted in each entity's job output directory when it completes. This will bind the job-specific output to the annotation specified in the second column. Every line beginning with a '#' is ignored.

Here, we know that the simple script we wrote will output a file ending in ".vcf" and "report.txt", and so we configure the task to search the job output directory and attach the module outputs matching these regular expressions to the annotation fields $vcf and $quality_metrics.

Using the Module() function is one way to generate a .task file. You can also just do it manually, once you understand this simple format. If you have trouble getting this task config to run by cutting and pasting, it may be a text formatting issue with your terminal app or browser corrupting the tab characters.

To check if the task config parses run:


If this is breaking (sometimes copy / pasting from browser will mess up whitespaces) just copy a correctly formatted version of the .task file which is distributed with the package and try again.

system(paste('cp', system.file('extdata', 'dummy.task', package = 'Flow'), '~/FlowExample/tasks/dummy.task'))

(milestone: we've finished making a task!)

The above procedure (i.e. writing modules, configuring tasks) is something we only need to do once or maybe a few times once a module is relatively stable. The stuff that follows we will doing over-and-over again by applying many tasks to many datasets. Back to work:

Now that we have a .task file, we combine it with the entities table to create an Job object. Again, entities is a data.table and the only requirements are that it is (1) it is keyed by a unique entity id and (2) it contains all annotation columns that the task is expecting as its entity-specific inputs. Now, we're ready to set up jobs for this task x entities combination.

> jobs = Job('~/FlowExample/tasks/dummy.task', entities) 
    Noting time stamps of inputs
    for tumor_bam (113 paths)
    [1] "tumor_bam"
    for normal_bam (113 paths)
    [1] "normal_bam"
    making output directories under
    initializing output annotations
    Dumping out 113 Job.rds files to subdirectories of
    Caching object to /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy.rds
    Caching object to /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy.rds
    not ready
    Warning message:
    In .local(.Object, ...) :
    missing annotations resulting causing 113 jobs to be not ready.
    Breakdown of detailed statuses (with # entities with each specific
    tumor_bam,normal_bam,panel_of_normals,variant_mask not ready(113)

We've combined the .task config with the entities data.table. The output 'jobs' is an Job object.

> jobs
    Job on 113 entities (LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-T...) with rootdir
    /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow from task dummy using module
    dummymodule version
    Job status: not ready (113)

This vectorized object keeps track of entity specific inputs and outputs, stores local, LSF, and SGE / UGER commands for running the job, and contains all the task and module information used to build it

A few things happen as 'jobs' is instantiated: An Flow directory is created in the current working directory. This Flow directory contains a subdirectory with the task name (Snowman) and 113 subdirectories, one for each entity, which will collect task outputs. Job is noting the time stamps of file path inputs and creating an output data.table that will catch job outputs and populate the appropriate entities with annotations as specified by the task config. The location and name of this directory can be modified at the time of instantiation (see ?Job).

Optional arguments to Job include rootdir (changing root directory from cwd/Flow), mem (for specifying max memory in GB associated with LSF jobs), and queue (for specifying queue on which to run LSF jobs).

Looking at the output above, we see that the jobs are not ready because the input files are missing, i.e. tumor_bam, normal_bam, panel_of_normals, and variant_mask. Flow will check inputs and determine whether jobs are ready to launch, and has correctly determined that these jobs are not ready.

To get the jobs ready we need to make some "fake data", dummy files that sit in the file paths pointed to by columns of the entities table.

system('mkdir -p ~/FlowExample/testdata')

sapply(entities$Tumor_clean_bam_file_wgs, function(x) system(paste('touch', x)))
sapply(entities$Normal_clean_bam_file_wgs, function(x) system(paste('touch', x)))

We also have to create the variant mask and panel of normal that are pointed to as static paths in the task configuration above.

system('touch ~/FlowExample/testdata/panel_of_normals.txt')
system('touch ~/FlowExample/testdata/mask.bed.gz')

Now we can update the jobs object will re-check paths and assess readiness to run.

> update(jobs)
    Checking input date stamps
    for tumor_bam (113 files)
    for normal_bam (113 files)
    for error_rate (1 files)
    for analysis_id (113 files)
    for panel_of_normals (1 files)
    for variant_mask (1 files)
    Caching object to/Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy.rds


VoilĂ ! The jobs are ready so we can run them. Before we do, some basics about the Job object:

It is vectorized, so it has length and can be subsetted. Each element corresponds to entity.

> length(jobs)
    [1] 113
> jobs[1:10]
    Job on 10 entities with rootdir /cga/meyerson/home/marcin/temp/Flow from task Snowman using module Snowman, version 2015-04-12 10:37:38

There is a task (Task object) object associated with 'jobs' that you can inspect. When you display the task, you see a printout of the .task config file.

> task(jobs)
    #Module Snowman [Task: Snowman ] ('<libdir> <libdir>snowman_150410 run -t <tumor_bam> -n <normal_bam> -e <error_rate> -p ...')
    input tumor_bam Tumor_clean_bam_file_wgs path
    input normal_bam Normal_clean_bam_file_wgs path
    input error_rate '0' value
    input cpus '1' value
    input analysis_id pair_id value
    input panel_of_normals
    '/xchip/gistic/Jeremiah/Projects/Lung/lung_snow24_pon.txt.gz' path
    input indel_mask
    '/xchip/gistic/Jeremiah/Projects/HengLiMask/um75-hs37d5.bed.gz' path
    input flags '--no-r2c-bam' value
    output snowman_somatic_vcf .*
    output snowman_germline_vcf .*
    output snowman_somatic_indel_vcf .*DATECODE.somatic.indel.vcf
    output snowman_germline_indel_vcf .*DATECODE.germline.indel.vcf

Each job has a status (a la firehose) e.g. 'ready', 'complete', 'failed', etc.

> status(jobs)[1:3]

OK let's run some jobs. How about we run the first three entities locally (i.e. on the current machine where R is running).

> run(jobs[1:3])
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE

After launching jobs let's run update() to update the object with the latest information. In addition to checking inputs, update will check job status, whether a job successfully completed (by analyzing stdout and stderr files and polling the directory for relevant outputs).

> update(jobs)
    Checking input date stamps
    for tumor_bam (113 files)
    for normal_bam (113 files)
    for error_rate (1 files)
    for analysis_id (113 files)
    for panel_of_normals (1 files)
    for variant_mask (1 files)
    Caching object to /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy.rds
    completed ready
    3 110

Great! Three jobs are finished. We can quickly subset the jobs object using a character syntax which searches jobs statuses by regexp. Here we subset only the "completed" jobs.

> jobs['completed']
    Job on 3 entities with rootdir /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow from task dummy using module dummymodule version
    Job status: completed (3)

This subsetting syntax is especially useful if jobs fail. We can use this syntax to debug job failures, restart on a different queue, or other change other job specific parameters.

In this case we have no failed jobs, but we can examine the outputs associated with these "completed" jobs. This returns a data.table with output annotations as columns. These are file paths attached from the respective output directory of each job.

> outputs(jobs['completed'])
    1: LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL
    1: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL.vcf
    2: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6.vcf
    3: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE.vcf
    1: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL/
    2: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6/
    3: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE/

We can examine the error stream associated with the first of these completed jobs

> more(err(jobs['completed'][1]))
    Command being timed:
    "/Users/home/FlowExample/modules/dummymodule/// LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL
    /Users/home/FlowExample/testdata//A08-43-4.bam /Users/home/FlowExample/testdata//A08-43-1.bam 0
    /Users/home/FlowExample/testdata/panel_of_normals.txt /Users/home/FlowExample/testdata/mask.bed.gz"
    User time (seconds): 0.00
    System time (seconds): 0.00
    Percent of CPU this job got: 3%
    Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.02
    Average shared text size (kbytes): 0
    Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0
    Average stack size (kbytes): 0
    Average total size (kbytes): 0
    Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 4944
    Average resident set size (kbytes): 0
    Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0
    Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 345
    Voluntary context switches: 15
    Involuntary context switches: 4
    Swaps: 0
    File system inputs: 8
    File system outputs: 16
    Socket messages sent: 0
    Socket messages received: 0
    Signals delivered: 0
    Page size (bytes): 4096
    Exit status: 0

We can also query the runtime report to see memory usage and how long each completed job took. This outputs another data.table, now with runtime information.

> report(jobs['completed'])
    1: LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL
    1: dummy.LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL
    2: dummy.LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6
    3: dummy.LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE
    1: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL/dummy.LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL.bsub.out
    2: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6/dummy.LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6.bsub.out
    3: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE/dummy.LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE.bsub.out
    1: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL/dummy.LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL.bsub.err
    2: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6/dummy.LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6.bsub.err
    3: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE/dummy.LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE.bsub.err
    exit_flag term_flag started reported
    1: Successfully completed. NA 2016-03-08 18:15:36 2016-03-08 18:15:36
    2: Successfully completed. NA 2016-03-08 18:15:36 2016-03-08 18:15:36
    3: Successfully completed. NA 2016-03-08 18:15:36 2016-03-08 18:15:36
    hours_elapsed max_mem cpu_time success job_type
    1: 0 0.001236 0 TRUE local
    2: 0 0.001240 0 TRUE local
    3: 0 0.001236 0 TRUE local

Let's run 10 more jobs, this time parallelizing them locally across 5 cores.

> run(jobs['ready'][1:10], mc.cores = 5)
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-AEIUF-TP-NT-SM-1D1NM-SM-1D1K8
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-D02326-TP-NT-SM-1UVTT-SM-1UVTU
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-E00934-TP-NT-SM-1UXCW-SM-1UXCX
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-E01014-TP-NT-SM-1UXD1-SM-1UXD2
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-E01217-TP-NT-SM-1UXDZ-SM-1UXE1
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S00488-TP-NT-SM-18CX6-SM-18CZW
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-FH5PJ-TP-NT-SM-1D1NY-SM-1D1NZ
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-E01317-TP-NT-SM-1UXE4-SM-1UXE5
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-E01278-TP-NT-SM-1UXE2-SM-1UXE3
    Starting dummy on entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-QY22Z-TP-NT-SM-1DTY7-SM-1DTY8

Updating the jobs object again, we'll see additional jobs completed.

> update(jobs)
    Checking input date stamps
    for tumor_bam (113 files)
    for normal_bam (113 files)
    for error_rate (1 files)
    for analysis_id (113 files)
    for panel_of_normals (1 files)
    for variant_mask (1 files)
    Caching object to /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy.rds

    completed ready
    13 100

Finally, let's run 5 more of these jobs, but now on the cluster. On this system, I only have SGE / UGER installed, so I will use qrun(). (If I had LSF installed, I would use brun() instead)

> qrun(jobs[14:18])
   Deploying 7524204 for entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01302-TP-NT-SM-18CXO-SM-18D1F
   Deploying 7524205 for entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01331-TP-NT-SM-18CY2-SM-18D1S
   Deploying 7524206 for entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01341-TP-NT-SM-18CYB-SM-18D22
   Deploying 7524207 for entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01345-TP-NT-SM-18CXP-SM-18D1G
   Deploying 7524208 for entity LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01346-TP-NT-SM-18CXJ-SM-18D1A

After a minute I update the jobs again, we'll see additional jobs completed.

> update(jobs)
    Checking input date stamps
    for tumor_bam (113 files)
    for normal_bam (113 files)
    for error_rate (1 files)
    for analysis_id (113 files)
    for panel_of_normals (1 files)
    for variant_mask (1 files)
    Caching object to /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy.rds

    completed ready
    13 100

I notice that no additional jobs have completed. I wonder what's wrong... I can check job status on the farm for these by using qjobs()

> qjobs(jobs[14:18])
    pair_id jobid prior name
    1: LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01302-TP-NT-SM-18CXO-SM-18D1F 7524204 0.00000 dummy.LUAD
    2: LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01331-TP-NT-SM-18CY2-SM-18D1S 7524205 0.00000 dummy.LUAD 
    3: LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01341-TP-NT-SM-18CYB-SM-18D22 7524206 0.00000 dummy.LUAD
    4: LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01345-TP-NT-SM-18CXP-SM-18D1G 7524207 0.00000 dummy.LUAD
    5: LUAD-CIP-LUAD-S01346-TP-NT-SM-18CXJ-SM-18D1A 7524208 0.00000 dummy.LUAD
    user state queue slots taskid
    1: username1 qw 03/08/2016 20:49:06 1 NA
    2: username1 qw 03/08/2016 20:49:06 1 NA
    3: username1 qw 03/08/2016 20:49:06 1 NA
    4: username1 qw 03/08/2016 20:49:06 1 NA
    5: username1 qw 03/08/2016 20:49:06 1 NA

Hmm, these are stuck in queue for longer than I expected (i.e. they're not running instantly), maybe I need to relaunch with lower memory requirements than standard (memory requirement 4)

First I kill / delete the jobs I just launched.

> qkill(jobs[14:18])
    username1 has deleted job 7524204
    username1 has deleted job 7524205
    username1 has deleted job 7524206
    username1 has deleted job 7524207
    username1 has deleted job 7524208

I set the memory requirement to 1 and rerun

> mem(jobs) = 1
> qrun(jobs[14:18])

Updating the jobs object, I see that 5 more have completed.

> update(jobs)
    Checking input date stamps
    for tumor_bam (113 files)
    for normal_bam (113 files)
    for error_rate (1 files)
    for analysis_id (113 files)
    for panel_of_normals (1 files)
    for variant_mask (1 files)
    Caching object to /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy.rds
    completed ready
    18 95

Now, feeling confident, I push the button to launch all the remaining jobs via SGE (using qsub). (Note, I don't need to specify indices here, because anything that has already completely will not be re-launched)

> qrun(jobs)

Updating again, I see everything has completed

> update(jobs)
    Checking input date stamps
    for tumor_bam (113 files)
    for normal_bam (113 files)
    for error_rate (1 files)
    for analysis_id (113 files)
    for panel_of_normals (1 files)
    for variant_mask (1 files)
    Caching object to /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy.rds

    completed ready
    113 0

If you want to look under the hood, you'll see that each job is associated with a cmd (local command), bcmd (LSF command), and qcmd (UGER / SGE command) which can be accessed using cmd(), bcmd(), and qcmd() respectively. These each return a named vector of shell commands. These commands are the result of populating the arguments of the module with entity-specific annotation values and static values according to the bindings in the task config, as well as adding additional shell commands for job tracking. If you want, you can dump these commands out into a text file and source it from the shell.

Jobs are most easily launched directly from the R command line using run(jobs) or qrun(jobs)/brun(jobs). Alternatively, you can dump the local or qsub/bsub shell commands to file and run from the shell eg.

> writeLines(cmd(jobs), '')
> writeLines(bcmd(jobs), '')
> writeLines(qcmd(jobs), '')

Once jobs complete, then they will populate their output annotations with values after an update() call to the jobs object. You can access a data.table of output annotations using the outputs() method eg

> outputs(jobs)
    1: LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL
    109: LUSC-TCGA-77-6843-TP-NB-SM-26XAG-SM-26XAJ
    110: LUSC-TCGA-85-8052-TP-NB-SM-2XLBV-SM-2XLDI
    111: LUSC-TCGA-85-8277-TP-NB-SM-35ASG-SM-35ASJ
    112: LUSC-TCGA-92-8064-TP-NB-SM-2XLDD-SM-2XLCO
    113: LUSC-TCGA-98-8022-TP-NB-SM-2XLCJ-SM-2XLE4
    1: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL.vcf
    2: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6.vcf
    3: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE.vcf
    4: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-AEIUF-TP-NT-SM-1D1NM-SM-1D1K8/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-AEIUF-TP-NT-SM-1D1NM-SM-1D1K8.vcf
    5: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-D02326-TP-NT-SM-1UVTT-SM-1UVTU/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-D02326-TP-NT-SM-1UVTT-SM-1UVTU.vcf
    109: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-77-6843-TP-NB-SM-26XAG-SM-26XAJ/LUSC-TCGA-77-6843-TP-NB-SM-26XAG-SM-26XAJ.vcf
    110: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-85-8052-TP-NB-SM-2XLBV-SM-2XLDI/LUSC-TCGA-85-8052-TP-NB-SM-2XLBV-SM-2XLDI.vcf
    111: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-85-8277-TP-NB-SM-35ASG-SM-35ASJ/LUSC-TCGA-85-8277-TP-NB-SM-35ASG-SM-35ASJ.vcf
    112: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-92-8064-TP-NB-SM-2XLDD-SM-2XLCO/LUSC-TCGA-92-8064-TP-NB-SM-2XLDD-SM-2XLCO.vcf
    113: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-98-8022-TP-NB-SM-2XLCJ-SM-2XLE4/LUSC-TCGA-98-8022-TP-NB-SM-2XLCJ-SM-2XLE4.vcf
    1: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL/
    2: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-\
    3: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE/
    4: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-AEIUF-TP-NT-SM-1D1NM-SM-1D1K8/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-AEIUF-TP-NT-\
    5: /Users/home/lowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-D02326-TP-NT-SM-1UVTT-SM-1UVTU/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-D02326-TP-NT-\
    109: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-77-6843-TP-NB-SM-26XAG-SM-26XAJ/
    110: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-85-8052-TP-NB-SM-2XLBV-SM-2XLDI/
    111: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-85-8277-TP-NB-SM-35ASG-SM-35ASJ/
    112: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-92-8064-TP-NB-SM-2XLDD-SM-2XLCO/
    113: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-98-8022-TP-NB-SM-2XLCJ-SM-2XLE4/

Initially, the annotations will be mostly empty, because the jobs have not completed. However as jobs complete (as seen above), the values of annotation columns will be populated with file paths after running update() on the jobs object.

Once jobs complete, the job output can be easily merged with the "master table" of entities and updated using a merge() command. This merges the tables on their shared key.

> merge(entities, jobs)
    1: LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL
    109: LUSC-TCGA-77-6843-TP-NB-SM-26XAG-SM-26XAJ
    110: LUSC-TCGA-85-8052-TP-NB-SM-2XLBV-SM-2XLDI
    111: LUSC-TCGA-85-8277-TP-NB-SM-35ASG-SM-35ASJ
    112: LUSC-TCGA-92-8064-TP-NB-SM-2XLDD-SM-2XLCO
    113: LUSC-TCGA-98-8022-TP-NB-SM-2XLCJ-SM-2XLE4
    1: ~/FlowExample/testdata//A08-43-4.bam
    2: ~/FlowExample/testdata//2GUGKAEN.bam
    3: ~/FlowExample/testdata//5V8LTAZB.bam
    4: ~/FlowExample/testdata//AEIUFAVJ.bam
    5: ~/FlowExample/testdata//D02326109.bam
    109: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-77-6843-01A-11D-1945-08.bam
    110: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-85-8052-01A-11D-2244-08.bam
    111: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-85-8277-01A-11D-2293-08.bam
    112: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-92-8064-01A-11D-2244-08.bam
    113: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-98-8022-01A-11D-2244-08.bam
    1: ~/FlowExample/testdata//A08-43-1.bam
    2: ~/FlowExample/testdata//2GUGKN18.bam
    3: ~/FlowExample/testdata//5V8LTN9Y.bam
    4: ~/FlowExample/testdata//AEIUFDXJ.bam
    5: ~/FlowExample/testdata//D02326111.bam
    109: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-77-6843-10A-01D-1945-08.bam
    110: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-85-8052-10A-01D-2244-08.bam
    111: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-85-8277-10A-01D-2293-08.bam
    112: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-92-8064-10A-01D-2244-08.bam
    113: ~/FlowExample/testdata//TCGA-98-8022-10A-01D-2244-08.bam
    1: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-\SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL.vcf
    2: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-\SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6.vcf
    3: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-\SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE.vcf
    4: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-AEIUF-TP-NT-SM-1D1NM-SM-1D1K8/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-AEIUF-TP-NT-\SM-1D1NM-SM-1D1K8.vcf
    5: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-D02326-TP-NT-SM-1UVTT-SM-1UVTU/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-D02326-TP-NT-\SM-1UVTT-SM-1UVTU.vcf
    --- \
    109: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-77-6843-TP-NB-SM-26XAG-SM-26XAJ/LUSC-TCGA-77-6843-TP-NB-\SM-26XAG-SM-26XAJ.vcf
    110: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-85-8052-TP-NB-SM-2XLBV-SM-2XLDI/LUSC-TCGA-85-8052-TP-NB-\SM-2XLBV-SM-2XLDI.vcf
    111: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-85-8277-TP-NB-SM-35ASG-SM-35ASJ/LUSC-TCGA-85-8277-TP-NB-\SM-35ASG-SM-35ASJ.vcf
    112: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-92-8064-TP-NB-SM-2XLDD-SM-2XLCO/LUSC-TCGA-92-8064-TP-NB-\SM-2XLDD-SM-2XLCO.vcf
    113: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-98-8022-TP-NB-SM-2XLCJ-SM-2XLE4/LUSC-TCGA-98-8022-TP-NB-\SM-2XLCJ-SM-2XLE4.vcf
    1: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LU-A08-43-TP-NT-SM-13WXF-SM-13WWL/
    2: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-2GUGK-TP-NT-SM-1D1N5-SM-1D1N6/
    3: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-SM-1D1ND-SM-1D1NE/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-5V8LT-TP-NT-\
    4: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-AEIUF-TP-NT-SM-1D1NM-SM-1D1K8/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-AEIUF-TP-NT-\
    5: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-D02326-TP-NT-SM-1UVTT-SM-1UVTU/LUAD-CIP-LUAD-D02326-TP-NT-\
    --- \
    109: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-77-6843-TP-NB-SM-26XAG-SM-26XAJ/LUSC-TCGA-77-6843-TP-NB-\
    110: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-85-8052-TP-NB-SM-2XLBV-SM-2XLDI/LUSC-TCGA-85-8052-TP-NB-\
    111: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-85-8277-TP-NB-SM-35ASG-SM-35ASJ/LUSC-TCGA-85-8277-TP-NB-\
    112: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-92-8064-TP-NB-SM-2XLDD-SM-2XLCO/LUSC-TCGA-92-8064-TP-NB-\
    113: /Users/home/FlowExample/Flow/dummy/LUSC-TCGA-98-8022-TP-NB-SM-2XLCJ-SM-2XLE4/LUSC-TCGA-98-8022-TP-NB-\

The resulting entities table has now been updated and may be "ready" for downstream pipelines to add additional columns. This table can be used to update a central database or saved as a flat file record of analytic progress.

Quick reference / cheat sheet of methods associated with an Job object 'jobs':

Method Description
run(jobs, mc.cores = 1) Run jobs locally from R with optional mc.cores param to run jobs in parallel across mc.cores CPUs.
brun(jobs, mc.cores = 1) Submit jobs to LSF from R with optional mc.cores param to submit jobs
in parallel across mc.cores CPUs
qrun(jobs, mc.cores = 1) Submit jobs to SGE / UGER from R with optional mc.cores param to submit jobs in parallel across mc.cores CPUs
mem(jobs) = 30 Submit jobs with 10G RAM (equivalent to -l h_vmem=30G via qsub)
update(jobs) Update status of jobs and populate output annotations by scraping /
parsing output directories.
outputs(jobs) Return data.table of output annotations
inputs(jobs) Return data.table of entity-specific input arguments to module.
report(jobs) Return data.table of detailed run info for each job, including max
memory usage, run time, job_type (local vs lsf), etc.
status(jobs) Get short status of jobs (e.g. complete, failed, ready) Get more detailed status of jobs, including what inputs and outputs
might be missing.
jobs[i] Subset jobs using index. 'i' can also be a character, in which case it
is interpreted as a regexp against status(jobs). e.g. jobs['complete']
will return complete jobs.
cmd(jobs) Get vector of local shell commands associated with jobs.
bcmd(jobs) Get vector of LSF commands associated with jobs.
qcmd(jobs) Get vector of SGE / UGER commands associated with jobs.
cache(jobs) Caches Job object to standard location (/.rds)
key(jobs) Returns the key (name of the column specifying entity id) associated
with jobs object.
cache(jobs) Caches Job object to standard location (/.rds)
ids(jobs) Returns the ids of entities associated with this job object.
out(jobs) Returns paths to stdout files associated with this job object.
err(jobs) Returns paths to stderr files associated with this job object.
dirs(jobs) Returns list of directory contents for each job, takss additional
arguments to base function dir()
purge(jobs) Resets all job output directories to their initial states (deletes all
current job outputs, creates fresh directory tree)
merge(entities, jobs, force = FALSE) Outputs data.table with output annotations from jobs added / updated to
'master' data.table entities. If a given row of entities points to an
older path for a given entity-annotation combo, that path will be
updated in the output.
Otherwise if the entities table contains a newer path than jobs,
a warning is thrown and the path is not overwritten
in the output (unless force = TRUE).


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