This repository has a sequence of Rnw files; each has been produced using a sweave document in RStudio.
Before starting, you should already have a ZOTERO and a GITHUB account. Also, you should have already installed LATEX, as well as R and RStudio. The ZOTERO and GITHUB desktop versions needs to be installed.
Then, follow this steps please:
- Sign in with your GitHub account
- Fork this repo. You will take every content to your own Github account.
- Open the desktop version of GitHub.
- Clone the forked repo in your computer.
- Open RStudio, locate and go into the cloned folder.
- Install the following library in RStudio:
- stargazer
- There are four files, start with PaperInR_1.Rnw, after understanding how it worked, continue with the other ones (the higher the number the ore complex it is).