This simple Arduino sketch performs as follows:
- When switch on the screen is drawn. Press the buttun to begin.
- A period of Warm Up begins (time set in code. Deafault is 180s)
- This is followed by a number of circuits (default is 4). for each circuit:
- Each execise is run (default is 7). An exercise consists of 30s work out.
- This is followed by 15s of rest after each exercise.
- Each circuit is followed by a 60s break.
- Then comes the Warm Down. This is also 180s.
This project aims to make a useful yet uncomplicated device to assist with staying fot at home.
The Arduino version requires:
- An Arduino.
- A switch
- A buzzer or and LED
- A screen (code uses a 20x4 LCD)
- A 10K variable resistor (if using the screen)
The Standalone version requires:
- An ATMega328P chip (will work with other version as long as there are enough free pins)
- 16Mhz crystal
- 2 22pF capacitors
- 1x 10K resistor
- A switch
- A buzzer or and LED
- A screen (code uses a 20x4 LCD)
- A 10K variable resistor (if using the screen)
In the Drawings folder of this repository you will find Breadboard diagram from Fritzing (and the Fritzing project). I have complete the Breadboard but not the schematic or PCB. I have also included some as yet unfinished KiCAD drawings of both version mention above.
Hope you have fun building this.