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added test_config and new configuration compiles and tests clean
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gutmann committed Jun 2, 2016
1 parent 3459212 commit dd70955
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Showing 6 changed files with 315 additions and 75 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,9 @@

# Debug Symbols

# Fortran module files

Expand All @@ -29,4 +32,5 @@
230 changes: 176 additions & 54 deletions src/objects/configuration.f90 → src/config/configuration.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module config_mod
character(len=MAXFILELENGTH), parameter :: VERSION_STRING = "0.1"

public :: read_config
public :: read_files_list, read_data_type, get_options_file ! only need to be public for test_config

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,61 +83,93 @@ function read_training_options(filename, debug) result(training_options)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
logical, intent(in) :: debug
type(training_config) :: training_options
integer :: nfiles, nvars

integer :: name_unit, i

nfiles = 1
nvars = 3
! namelist variables to be read
integer :: nfiles, nvars, calendar_start_year
character(len=MAXSTRINGLENGTH) :: name, data_type, calendar
character(len=MAXVARLENGTH) :: lat_name, lon_name, time_name
character(len=MAXFILELENGTH), dimension(:), allocatable :: file_list
character(len=MAXVARLENGTH), dimension(:), allocatable :: var_names

! setup the namelist
namelist /training_parameters/ nfiles, nvars, name, data_type, &
lat_name, lon_name, time_name, &
file_list, var_names
!defaults :
nfiles = -1
nvars = -1
name = ""
data_type = ""
lat_name = ""
lon_name = ""
time_name = ""
file_list = ""
var_names = ""
calendar = ""
calendar_start_year = 1900

! read namelists
open(io_newunit(name_unit), file=filename)

if (nfiles <= 0) stop "Number of training files (nfiles) is not valid. "
if (nvars <= 0) stop "Number of training variables (nvars) is not valid. "

! allocate necessary arrays

training_options%name = "GEFS test"
! finally, store the data into the config structure
training_options%name = name
training_options%n_variables = nvars
training_options%file_names(1,1)= "/d5/gefs/all/2010/20101127/"
training_options%var_names(1) = "SPFH_2maboveground"
training_options%file_names(1,2)= "/d5/gefs/all/2010/20101127/"
training_options%var_names(2) = "UGRD_80maboveground"
training_options%file_names(1,3)= "/d5/gefs/all/2010/20101127/"
training_options%var_names(3) = "VGRD_80maboveground"
training_options%lat_name = "latitude"
training_options%lon_name = "longitude"
training_options%data_type = kGEFS_TYPE
training_options%debug = debug
training_options%calendar = "standard"
training_options%time_gain = 1/86400.0D0
training_options%calendar_start_year = 1970
training_options%nfiles = nfiles
! training_options%file_names(1,1)= "/d5/gefs/all/2010/20101127/"
! training_options%var_names(1) = "SPFH_2maboveground"
do i=1,nvars
training_options%var_names(i) = var_names(i)
nfiles = read_files_list(file_list(i), training_options%file_names(:,i))
if (nfiles /= training_options%nfiles) stop "Error reading the correct number of training input files"
end do
training_options%lat_name = lat_name
training_options%lon_name = lon_name
training_options%time_name = time_name
training_options%calendar = calendar
training_options%calendar_start_year = calendar_start_year
training_options%time_file = 1
training_options%time_name = "time"
training_options%selected_time = 1
training_options%data_type = read_data_type(data_type)
training_options%debug = debug

call check_training_options(training_options)

end function read_training_options

!!Verify the options read from the training options namelist
subroutine check_training_options(opt)
implicit none
type(training_config) :: opt
integer :: i, j

if (trim(opt%lat_name) == "") stop "Error : lat_name not supplied in training options. "
if (trim(opt%lon_name) == "") stop "Error : lon_name not supplied in training options. "
if (trim(opt%calendar) == "") stop "Error : Calendar not supplied in training options. "
if (trim(opt%time_name) == "") stop "Error : time_name not supplied in training options. "

do i = 1, opt%n_variables
if (trim(opt%var_names(i)) == "") stop "Invalid or not enough variable names specified in training options. "
do j = 1, opt%nfiles
if (trim(opt%file_names(j,i)) == "") stop "Invalid or not enough file names specified in training options. "
end do

end subroutine check_training_options

function get_options_file() result(options_file)
implicit none
character(len=MAXFILELENGTH) ::options_file
integer :: error
logical :: file_exists

if (command_argument_count()>0) then
call get_command_argument(1,options_file, status=error)
if (error>0) then
elseif (error==-1) then
write(*,*) "Options filename = ", trim(options_file), " ...<cutoff>"
write(*,*) "Maximum filename length = ", MAXFILELENGTH
stop "ERROR: options filename too long"
INQUIRE(file=trim(options_file), exist=file_exists)
if (.not.file_exists) then
write(*,*) "Using options file = ", trim(options_file)
stop "Options file does not exist. "
end function

!! Read the prediction configuration
Expand All @@ -158,8 +191,8 @@ function read_prediction_options(filename, debug) result(prediction_options)

! setup the namelist
namelist /prediction_parameters/ nfiles, nvars, name, data_type, &
lat_name, lon_name, time_name, &
file_list, var_names
lat_name, lon_name, time_name, &
file_list, var_names
!defaults :
nfiles = -1
nvars = -1
Expand All @@ -178,17 +211,22 @@ function read_prediction_options(filename, debug) result(prediction_options)

if (nfiles <= 0) stop "Number of prediction files (nfiles) is not valid. "
if (nvars <= 0) stop "Number of prediction variables (nvars) is not valid. "

! allocate necessary arrays

! finally, store the data into the config structure
prediction_options%name = name
prediction_options%n_variables = nvars
prediction_options%nfiles = nfiles
! prediction_options%file_names(1,1)= "/d4/gutmann/cmip/daily/ccsm/subset/"
do i=1,nvars
prediction_options%var_names(i) = var_names(i)
prediction_options%file_names(:,i) = read_files_list(file_list(i))
nfiles = read_files_list(file_list(i), prediction_options%file_names(:,i))
if (nfiles/=prediction_options%nfiles) stop "Error reading the correct number of prediction input files"
end do
prediction_options%lat_name = lat_name
prediction_options%lon_name = lon_name
Expand All @@ -199,7 +237,32 @@ function read_prediction_options(filename, debug) result(prediction_options)
prediction_options%data_type = read_data_type(data_type)
prediction_options%debug = debug

call check_prediction_options(prediction_options)

end function read_prediction_options

!!Verify the options read from the prediction options namelist
subroutine check_prediction_options(opt)
implicit none
type(prediction_config) :: opt
integer :: i,j

if (trim(opt%lat_name) == "") stop "Error : lat_name not supplied in prediction options. "
if (trim(opt%lon_name) == "") stop "Error : lon_name not supplied in prediction options. "
if (trim(opt%calendar) == "") stop "Error : Calendar not supplied in prediction options. "
if (trim(opt%time_name) == "") stop "Error : time_name not supplied in prediction options. "

do i = 1, opt%n_variables
if (trim(opt%var_names(i)) == "") stop "Invalid or not enough variable names specified in prediction options. "
do j = 1, opt%nfiles
if (trim(opt%file_names(j,i)) == "") stop "Invalid or not enough file names specified in prediction options. "
end do

end subroutine check_prediction_options

!! Read the training configuration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,6 +300,13 @@ function read_obs_options(filename, debug) result(obs_options)

end function read_obs_options

!! Convert a data type string into its corresponding constant integer expression
!! @param type_name [in] character string describing a data type
!! @retval data_type [out] integer constant corresponding to the input string
function read_data_type(type_name) result(data_type)
implicit none
character(len=*) :: type_name
Expand All @@ -257,13 +327,22 @@ function read_data_type(type_name) result(data_type)

end function read_data_type

function read_files_list(filename) result(file_list)
!! Read a long list of files (one per line) from an input file (filename)
!! @param filename [in] character string containing the name of the file to read
!! @param file_list [out] allocatable array of filenames read from the input file
!! @retval nfiles [out] number of files read in
function read_files_list(filename, file_list) result(nfiles)
implicit none
character(len=*) :: filename
character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
character(len=MAXFILELENGTH), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: file_list

character(len=MAXFILELENGTH), dimension(MAX_NUMBER_FILES) :: forcing_files
character(len=MAXFILELENGTH), dimension(:), allocatable :: file_list
integer :: nfiles

character(len=MAXFILELENGTH), dimension(MAX_NUMBER_FILES) :: forcing_files
integer :: file_unit
integer :: i, error
character(len=MAXFILELENGTH) :: temporary_file
Expand All @@ -273,20 +352,24 @@ function read_files_list(filename) result(file_list)
do while (error==0)
read(file_unit, *, iostat=error) temporary_file

if (error==0) then
if ((i+1) > MAX_NUMBER_FILES) then

if (i > MAX_NUMBER_FILES) then
write(*,*) "ERROR reading: "//trim(filename)
stop "Too many files to read"

forcing_files(i) = temporary_file


nfiles = i
! print out a summary
write(*,*) "Boundary conditions files to be used:"
write(*,*) "Files to be used:"
if (nfiles>10) then
write(*,*) " nfiles=", trim(str(nfiles)), ", too many to print."
write(*,*) " First file:", trim(forcing_files(1))
Expand All @@ -297,9 +380,48 @@ function read_files_list(filename) result(file_list)

file_list(1:nfiles) = forcing_files(1:nfiles)

end function read_files_list

!! Get the first commandline option if one exists, otherwise return a default filename
!! @retval options_file [out] Filename to read the configuration options from
function get_options_file() result(options_file)
implicit none
character(len=MAXFILELENGTH) ::options_file
integer :: error
logical :: file_exists

! if a commandline argument was given
if (command_argument_count()>0) then
! read the commandline argument
call get_command_argument(1,options_file, status=error)

! if there was an error, return the default filename
if (error>0) then
! if the error was -1, then the filename supplied was just too long
elseif (error==-1) then
write(*,*) "Options filename = ", trim(options_file), " ...<cutoff>"
write(*,*) "Maximum filename length = ", MAXFILELENGTH
stop "ERROR: options filename too long"
! if not commandline options were given, assume a default filename

! check to see if the expected filename even exists on disk
INQUIRE(file=trim(options_file), exist=file_exists)
! if it does not exist, print an error and stop
if (.not.file_exists) then
write(*,*) "Using options file = ", trim(options_file)
stop "Options file does not exist. "
end function get_options_file

end module config_mod

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