Encrypted and secure text communication
Message encryption is done via AES using rsakeys and publickeys.Encryption is done on client side and decryption is done client side. The only text that the server sees is an encrypted message.
Installation Directions:
- Install nodejs on the server and npm
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get install npm
Clone git repository into desired directory
All dependencies should be included the repository, but to be sure run the following command from the project directory
sudo npm install -d
- Install forever (If it is not already installed or you have no other way of running a program in the background)
sudo npm install forever -g
- Start server
By default the port it runs on is 5000. You can also add command line arguments to specifiy port (-p PORTNUMBER and debug (-d)
If using forever
forever server.js -p PORTNUMBER
If not using forever and want to run in the foreground
node server.js
For HTTPS Server
Cert files should be created once using the following commands on server