This plugin is used to deploy Scala and Play applications directly to Heroku without pushing to a Git repository. This is can be useful when deploying from a CI server.
Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.url("heroku-sbt-plugin-releases",
addSbtPlugin("com.heroku" % "sbt-heroku" % "0.1.1")
If you're not using Play, then you'll also need to add the sbt-native-packager plugin.
Next, add something like this to your build.sbt
herokuAppName in Compile := "your-heroku-app-name"
Now, if you have the Heroku Toolbelt installed, run:
$ sbt stage deployHeroku
If you do not have the toolbelt installed, then run:
$ HEROKU_API_KEY="xxx-xxx-xxxx" sbt stage deployHeroku
And replace "xxx-xxx-xxxx" with the value of your Heroku API token.
It is required that you use sbt 0.13.5 or greater.
If using Java 1.6 you must have a
command available on your system. -
This plugin has not been tested with Play 2.0 or 2.1.
You may set the desired JDK version like so:
herokuJdkVersion in Compile := "1.7"
Valid values are 1.6
, 1.7
, and 1.8
. The default is 1.7
You can set configuration variables like so:
herokuConfigVars in Compile := Map(
"MY_VAR" -> "some value",
"JAVA_OPTS" -> "-Xmx384m -Xss512k -XX:+UseCompressedOops"
Any variable defined in herokuConfigVars
will override defaults.
You may set process types (similar to a Procfile
) with herokuProcessTypes
herokuProcessTypes in Compile := Map(
"web" -> "target/universal/stage/bin/my-app -Dhttp.port=$PORT",
"worker" -> "java -jar target/universal/stage/lib/my-worker.jar"
See the src/sbt-test
directory for examples.
In order to run the test suite, you must have the Heroku Toolbelt installed. Then run:
$ sbt scripted