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Sections 3 of the report (Corpus Analysis/Preprocessing/Feature Engineering)

Requirements: To run the notebook on Google Colab, connect Google Drive and place the raw_data into the your root directory

  • Corpus Analysis: The results of corpus analysis can be directly observed from the outputs
  • Preprocessing: Under the section "Preprocessor Class" in "CorpusExploration_Preprocessing_FeatureEngineering.ipynb" we provide instructions on how to preprocess and vectorize data
  • Feature Engineering: Parts of feature engineering can be found under the "Preprocessor Class" from the previous point. Analysis and generation of preprocessed topic modelling features can be found in "FeatureEngineering_TopicModelling.ipynb"

Sections 4.1 - 4.4 of the report (Statistical Methods)

There are 2 types of data collection "scripts" here, which are further annotated in markdown cells in the notebook:

  • "One-off": Runs one combination of parameters. Good for quick testing.
  • "Combination": Runs multiple combinations of parameters. Good for overnight testing.

Other than that, simply make sure that fulltrain.csv and balancedtest.csv files from the dataset are in the same folder as this notebook. (or, you can edit the variables FULL_TRAIN/TEST_PATH down below)

Sections 4.5 - 4.7 of the report (Logistic regression & LSTM)

There are two python notebooks that are uploaded, which have our pre-processing functions as well as the model set up prepared.

  • Logistic_regression.ipynb (Logistic regression implementation)
  • LSTM.ipynb (LSTM implementation)

These notebooks should be run on google colab as we have tested it on.

Ensure that fulltrain.csv and balancedtest.csv files are in the user's google drive, and reference the notebook variables titled FULLTRAIN_PATH & BALANCED_TEST_PATH.


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