⚙️ Installation Script • 💻 Screenshots • 📚 Documentation • ⌨️ Key Bindings
This repository serves as a central hub for all of my configuration files which i've tweaked to enhance my DX (Developer Experience). I've an install.sh script which can be used to initialise all of my new systems or existing systems to adhere to my configurations automatically.
I've curated and listed some of the best tools to uplift your tech craft. Click on the "↗ Docs" links to read documentation about how i personally configured the tool to my own necessities and liking.
- neovim - my Personalized Development Environment (PDE) ↗ Docs
- sketchybar - customizable macOS statusbar ↗ Docs
- zsh - Unix Shell ↗ Docs
- skhd - Hotkey Daemon for macOS ↗ Docs
- yabai - Tiling Window Manager ↗ Docs
- tmux - Terminal Multiplexer ↗ Docs
- lazygit - Terminal UI for git commands
- starship - Modern Shell Prompt
- tmuxp - tmux Session Manager
- Alacritty - openGL Terminal Emulator
- weechat - Extensible IRC client
- topgrade - Auto detect packages to be updated
- eza - modern replacement to
command - procs - modern replacement to
command - zoxide - modern replacement to
command - bat - modern replacement to
command - tealdeer - modern implementation in rust of
command - gping - modern replacement to
command - fd - modern replacement to
command - rustscan - modern replacement to
scanner - fx - Json viewer and processor for the CLI
- broot - Navigation for directory trees
- navi - crowd sourced cheat sheets in your CLI
- arsenal - Pentesting focused cheat seets in your CLI
- howdoi - Technical suggestions in your CLI
- pueue - CLI task management of sequential and parallel execution commands
- lnav - an advanced log file viewer
- pgcli - a postgres client that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
- pspg - Unix pager designed for work with db tables
- git-delta - Syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output
- activitywatch - Privacy-focused automated time tracker
- tableplus - Database management software for macOS
- littlesnitch - Network monitoring on macOS
- objective-see - security tools for macOS
- Viscosity - openVPN client
- Hyperfine - CLI Benchmarking Tool
- kraft - build and manage your application as a unikernel
- Trivy - Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM etc
- Sniffnet - Monitoring tool for your internet traffic
- bbot - Recursive Internet Scanner Tool
- ArqBackup - Automatic Backups to Cloud Storage
- Warp - AI enabled Terminal App
- lazydocker - Docker management TUI
- Secretive - Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
- Monodraw - ASCII art editor
- Day Progress - Track's time remaining in your work hours
- Zotero - Research Assistant
- Zed - AI Enabled Code Editor
- Oha - CLI Load testing tool for web services
- Lunar - Tool to pull brightness below system defaults during night sessions
- Anki - Learning tool which uses spaced-repitition memorization technique

Open your favorite terminal app and paste the following to initiate installation script
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anil-dewani/dotfiles/main/install.sh)"
The above script will execute following actions on your system:
- Install xcode command-line tools
- setup rust on your system using rustup
- Install homebrew package manager
- Setup useful brew tap sources
- Install all dependencies using homebrew
- Install xcode via App store Automatically
- Install Vimari browser via App Store Automatically
- Install Amphetamine via App Store Automatically
- Install global pip packages
- Changes lots of macOS default settings
- Install needed fonts
- Initiate needed brew services
- Prompt to authorize github CLI
- Creates a automated backup of .config folder of home user
- Clones the current repo and populate .config folder of home user
- Replaces .gitconfig and saves a backup
- Replaces .zshrc and saves a backup
- Set a wallpaper
- Prompts to restart the system
Caution: The above script can significantly change your system, so execute it after fully understanding what it actually does.
https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/4e147c37765e4fc7a3f029e5a8de6d32 (add this to login items) https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/cdd0f512e44d4c60b79e9785c25c8d14 (add this to dock)