ZenHomes is a real estate application that allows users to browse, book, and manage properties. The application provides a seamless user experience, enabling users to easily find and visit their desired properties.
Features User Authentication: Users can log in and register using Auth0, ensuring secure and efficient authentication. Property Browsing: Users can browse through a vast collection of properties. Booking Management: Users can book visits to properties, manage their bookings, and cancel them when needed. Favorites: Users can add properties to their favorites list for easy access and comparison. Add property: Users can add properties.
Technologies Used
Frontend: React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for styling and layout. Mantine Core and dates: A React component library for building complex UI components. React Query: A library for managing data fetching and caching in React applications.
Backend: Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment for building server-side applications. Express.js: A popular Node.js framework for building web applications. MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing and retrieving data. Prisma ORM: An Object-Relational Mapping tool for interacting with the database.
Authentication: Auth0: A platform for authentication, authorization, and identity management. Image Storage:
Cloudinary: A cloud-based image and video management platform. Geolocation:
Mapbox: A geolocation platform for displaying dynamic maps and locations.