eazfuscator trial remove is a simple program that i made when im drunk, basically it removes the 3 instruction (call, brtrue.s, ret) or trial check call from the called "method" or entry point.
clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/anoleto/eazfuscator-trial-remove.git
build the project on visual studio or dotnet build on cli. or just go to release tab to download and use it.
drag the assembly to the executeable or use cmd and run
eazfuscator-trial-remove.exe path/to/assembly
or you can use --dnlib arg to use dnlib library instead
eazfuscator-trial-remove.exe path/to/assembly --dnlib
you can use this to multiple assemblies
eazfuscator-trial-remove.exe assembly assembly2 --dnlib
.NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher
Windows OS
- to make this useable on dlls
- more cleanup