This only works on Windows. Get fucked, Mac fags.
This script takes a picture of your screen every minute, and puts it in a folder. That's it.
- Install Python 2.7 (3.x WILL NOT WORK) and Pip (should come with Python)
- Download this repo as a zip and put it in any folder (preferably its own, as it'll make new folders every day you run it)
- Go to a command prompt window and type pip install pillow pyscreenshot
- cd to the directory you put this in
- Type py
- Leave it running as you raid
- When the raid is done, press Ctrl+C (^C) in the command prompt window. This will exit the application.
- Look for the folder with the name "YEAR-MONTH-DAY"
- Make it a zip with a program line WinRAR
- Put it on a file sharing site like Mediafire or Mega
- Private message Swampbro with a link to the download
- Optional: Delete the folder. No need for it to take up space.
- Cry that you will never see his ass