pip in /.config for aiohappyeyeballs, ansible-compat, antsibull-changelog, antsibull-core, antsibull-docs, async-timeout, azure-core, black, botocore, bracex, build, cffi, charset-normalizer, cryptography, distlib, docutils, filelock, flake8, frozenlist, galaxy-importer, idna, importlib-metadata, importlib-resources, isodate, janus, jaraco-functools, jpy, jsonschema-specifications, keyring, markupsafe, mdit-py-plugins, mk, more-itertools, multidict, nh3, packaging, perky, pip, pkginfo, platformdirs, psyc... #117
1 error and 1 warning
Run Dependabot
Dependabot encountered an error performing the update
Error: The updater encountered one or more errors.
For more information see: https://github.com/ansible/event-driven-ansible/network/updates/929026514 (write access to the repository is required to view the log)
ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/10636