Step 1. make a password.js file. In it put
password = "yourpassword";
module.exports = password;
Step 2. .type("input#login-email", "[email protected]") --- change this to your own email in add-script.js .type("input#login-email", "[email protected]") ---- change this to your email in scraper-async.js
Step 3.
In scraper-async.js modify the query parameters to the keywords you want to search for${i}
Run scraper-async.js first. This will output the LinkedIn profiles into linkedin-profiles.json file.
Then use some sort of json to csv to parse only the profiles and add it to an array to email-list.js
After you got email-list.js ready to go....
Step 4. Run add-script.js I've set it to
var i = 0; i <= 200; i++
I'm worried I will get banned after 200 adds. Just change this to 200 to 400 etc.