1 commit
to master
since this release
What's Changed
- CURATOR-717: Fix typo in CuratorCache Javadoc by @pdolif in #507
- CURATOR-720: Stop retry if client is closed by @HoustonPutman in #511
- CURATOR-719: Fix orSetData for parallel create calls by @HoustonPutman in #510
- CURATOR-726: Improve tracing for certain operations by @HoustonPutman in #513
- CURATOR-724. Fix LeaderLatch recover on reconnected and missing leaderPath by @tisonkun in #515
- hotfix: build scan rejected by ge.apache.org by @kezhuw in #516
- chore: Enable GitHub Issues by @tisonkun in #519
- CURATOR-728: Not issue ZooKeeper::create if possible in ZkPaths::mkdirs by @kezhuw in #518
- [CURATOR-721] Upgrade Guava Listenablefuture by @froque in #509
- [CURATOR-730] Publish build scans to develocity.apache.org by @clayburn in #521
- CURATOR-729: Fix PersistentWatcher dead loop after curator closed by @kezhuw in #520
- CURATOR-725: Allow for global compression by @HoustonPutman in #512
- CURATOR-710: Fix leaking watch in EnsembleTracker by @kezhuw in #508
- CURATOR-718: Refactor CuratorFramework inheritance hierarchy by composing functionalities by @kezhuw in #517
- GH-1248. Fix bug of useSessionTimeoutMs overflow by @xingsuo-zbz in #1249
New Contributors
- @pdolif made their first contribution in #507
- @HoustonPutman made their first contribution in #511
- @froque made their first contribution in #509
- @clayburn made their first contribution in #521
- @xingsuo-zbz made their first contribution in #1249
Full Changelog: apache-curator-5.7.1...apache-curator-5.8.0