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Web GUI for yt-dlp with playlist & channel support.

YTPTube started as a fork of meTube, Since then it went under heavy changes, and it supports many new features.

YTPTube Features.

  • Multi-downloads support.
  • Handle live streams.
  • Schedule Channels or Playlists to be downloaded automatically at a specific time.
  • Send notification to targets based on specified events.
  • Support per link yt-dlp JSON config or cli options, cookies & output format.
  • Queue multiple URLs separated by comma.
  • A built in video player that can play any video file regardless of the format. With support for sidecar external subtitles.
  • New POST /api/history endpoint that allow one or multiple links to be sent at the same time.
  • New GET /api/history/add?url=http://.. endpoint that allow to add single item via GET request.
  • Completely redesigned the frontend UI.
  • Switched out of binary file storage in favor of SQLite.
  • Basic Authentication support.
  • Support for curl_cffi, see yt-dlp documentation
  • Support for both advanced and basic mode for WebUI.

For more API endpoints, please refer to the API documentation.


Your yt-dlp config should include the following options for optimal working conditions.

  "windowsfilenames": true,
  "continue_dl": true,
  "live_from_start": true,
  "format_sort": [ "codec:avc:m4a" ],
  • Note, the format_sort, forces YouTube to use x264 instead of vp9 codec, you can ignore it if you want. i prefer the media in x264.

Short screenshot

Run using Docker

docker run -d --rm --name ytptube -p 8081:8081 -v ./config:/config:rw -v ./downloads:/downloads:rw

Run using compose file.

    user: "1000:1000"
    container_name: ytptube
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8081:8081"
      - ./config:/config:rw
      - ./downloads:/downloads:rw
      - /tmp

Environment variables

Certain configuration values can be set via environment variables, using the -e parameter on the docker command line, or the environment: section in compose.yaml file.

Environment Variable Description Default
YTP_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE The template for the filenames of the downloaded videos %(title)s.%(ext)s
YTP_DEFAULT_PRESET The default preset to use for the download default
YTP_INSTANCE_TITLE The title of the instance empty string
YTP_FILE_LOGGING Whether to log to file false
YTP_DOWNLOAD_PATH Path to where the downloads will be saved /downloads
YTP_MAX_WORKERS How many works to use for downloads 1
YTP_AUTH_USERNAME Username for basic authentication empty string
YTP_AUTH_PASSWORD Password for basic authentication empty string
YTP_CONSOLE_ENABLED Whether to enable the console false
YTP_REMOVE_FILES Remove the actual file when clicking the remove button false
YTP_CONFIG_PATH Path to where the queue persistence files will be saved /config
YTP_TEMP_PATH Path where intermediary download files will be saved /tmp
YTP_TEMP_KEEP Whether to keep the Individual video temp directory or remove it false
YTP_KEEP_ARCHIVE Keep history of downloaded videos true
YTP_YTDL_DEBUG Whether to turn debug logging for the internal yt-dlp package false
YTP_ALLOW_MANIFESTLESS Allow yt-dlp to download unprocessed streams false
YTP_HOST Which IP address to bind to
YTP_PORT Which port to bind to 8081
YTP_LOG_LEVEL Log level info
YTP_STREAMER_VCODEC The video codec to use for in-browser streaming libx264
YTP_STREAMER_ACODEC The audio codec to use for in-browser streaming aac
YTP_ACCESS_LOG Whether to log access to the web server true
YTP_DEBUG Whether to turn on debug mode false
YTP_DEBUGPY_PORT The port to use for the debugpy debugger 5678
YTP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT The timeout for the yt-dlp socket connection variable 30
YTP_EXTRACT_INFO_TIMEOUT The timeout for extracting video information 70
YTP_DB_FILE The path to the SQLite database file {config_path}/ytptube.db
YTP_MANUAL_ARCHIVE The path to the manual archive file {config_path}/manual_archive.log
YTP_UI_UPDATE_TITLE Whether to update the title of the page with the current stats true
YTP_PIP_PACKAGES A space separated list of pip packages to install empty string
YTP_PIP_IGNORE_UPDATES Do not update the custom pip packages false
YTP_BASIC_MODE Whether to run WebUI in basic mode false

Bookmarklets and browser extensions

For simple bookmarklets

javascript:(() => { const url = ""; const preset = "default"; const mUrl = new URL(url); mUrl.pathname = "/api/history"; fetch(mUrl, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ url: document.location.href, preset: preset }) }).then(res => alert(res.ok ? "URL sent!" : "Failed to send URL.")); })()

Change the the variable url and preset variables to match your YTPTube instance and preset name.

Browser Extensions Store

iOS Shortcuts

You can download Add To YTPTube shortcut and use it to send links to your YTPTube instance. You have to edit the shortcut and replace the following:

  • with your YTPTube instance.
  • username:password replace this with your own username & password or leave it empty if you don't have authentication enabled.

This shortcut is powerful, as it's allow you to select your preset on the fly pulled directly from your instance. Combined with the new and powerful presets system, you could add presets for specific websites that need cookies, and use that preset to download directly from your iOS device.

Running behind a reverse proxy

It's advisable to run YTPTube behind a reverse proxy, if authentication and/or HTTPS support are required.


location /ytptube/ {
  proxy_pass http://ytptube:8081;
  proxy_http_version 1.1;
  proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
  proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
  proxy_set_header Host $host;

Note: the extra proxy_set_header directives are there to make web socket connection work.


The following example Caddyfile gets a reverse proxy going behind caddy. {
  route /ytptube/* {
    uri strip_prefix ytptube
    reverse_proxy ytptube:8081

Updating yt-dlp

The engine which powers the actual video downloads in YTPTube is yt-dlp. Since video sites regularly change their layouts, frequent updates of yt-dlp are required to keep up.

There's an automatic nightly build of YTPTube which looks for a new version of yt-dlp, and if one exists, the build pulls it and publishes an updated docker image. Therefore, in order to keep up with the changes, it's recommended that you update your YTPTube container regularly with the latest image.

Troubleshooting and submitting issues

Before asking a question or submitting an issue for YTPTube, please remember that YTPTube is only a UI for yt-dlp. Any issues you might be experiencing with authentication to video websites, postprocessing, permissions, other yt-dlp options configurations which seem not to work, or anything else that concerns the workings of the underlying yt-dlp library, need not be opened on the YTPTube project. In order to debug and troubleshoot them, it's advised to try using the yt-dlp binary directly first, bypassing the UI, and once that is working, importing the options that worked for you into yt-dlp options file.

In order to test with the yt-dlp command directly, you can either download it and run it locally, or for a better simulation of its actual conditions, you can run it within the YTPTube container itself.


Simply go to Console button in your navbar and directly use the yt-dlp command.


Assuming your YTPTube container is called ytptube, run the following on your Docker host to get a shell inside the container:

docker exec -ti ytptube bash
cd /downloads
yt-dlp ....

Once there, you can use the yt-dlp command freely.

Building and running locally

Make sure you have nodejs and Python 3.11+ installed.

cd ytptube/frontend
# install Vue and build the UI
npm install
npm run build
# install python dependencies
cd ..
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install pipenv
pipenv install
# run
python app/

A Docker image can be built locally (it will build the UI too):

docker build . -t ytptube

ytdlp.json file

The config/ytdlp.json, is a json file which can be used to alter the default yt-dlp config settings globally. We recommend not use this file for options that aren't truly global, everything that can be done via the ytdlp.json file can be done via a preset, which only effects the download that uses it. For example, my personal preset that i use for all my jp video downloads is:

  "name": "jp_videos",
  "format": "bv[ext=mp4]+(ba[ext=m4a][format_note*=original]/ba)/bv[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4]/b",
  "args": {
    "writesubtitles": true,
    "writeinfojson": true,
    "writethumbnail": true,
    "merge_output_format": "mkv",
    "final_ext": "mkv",
    "format_sort": [ "codec:avc:m4a" ],
    "subtitleslangs": [ "en", "ar" ]
  "postprocessors": [
      "key": "FFmpegVideoRemuxer",
      "preferedformat": "mkv"
      "key": "FFmpegConcat",
      "only_multi_video": true,
      "when": "playlist"
      "key": "FFmpegThumbnailsConvertor",
      "format": "jpg"
      "key": "FFmpegSubtitlesConvertor",
      "format": "srt"
      "key": "FFmpegMetadata",
      "add_chapters": true,
      "add_infojson": true,
      "add_metadata": true
      "key": "FFmpegEmbedSubtitle",
      "already_have_subtitle": false
      "key": "Exec",
      "exec_cmd": "/usr/bin/mkvpropedit %(filepath)q --edit track:a1 --set language=jpn --set name=Japanese --add-track-statistics-tags",
      "when": "after_move"

You can convert your own yt-dlp command arguments into a preset using the box found in the presets add page. For reference, The options can be found at yt-dlp file. And for the postprocessors at yt-dlp postprocessor.


To enable basic authentication, set the YTP_AUTH_USERNAME and YTP_AUTH_PASSWORD environment variables. And restart the container. This will prompt the user to enter the username and password before accessing the web interface/API. As this is a simple basic authentication, if your browser doesn't show the prompt, you can use the following URL


Basic mode

What does the basic mode do? it hides the the following features from the WebUI.


It disables everything except the theme switcher and reload button.

Add form

  • The form will always be visible and un-collapsible.
  • Everything except the URL and Add button will be disabled and hidden.
  • The preset will be the default preset, which can be specified via YTP_DEFAULT_PRESET environment variable.
  • The output template will be the default template which can be specified via YTP_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE environment variable.
  • The download path will be the default download path which can be specified via YTP_DOWNLOAD_PATH environment variable.

Queue & History

Disables the Information button.

Social contact

If you have short or quick questions, you are free to join my discord server and ask the question. keep in mind it's solo project, as such it might take me a bit of time to reply.


If you feel like donating and appreciate my work, you can do so by donating to children charity. For example Make-A-Wish. I Personally don't need the money, but I do appreciate the gesture. Making a child happy is more worthwhile.