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Third project of The Odin Project's course.
This is a two-versions project of a rock paper scissors game to practice the use of multiple functions and DOM manipulation with JavaScript.
In this first version of the project the game is meant to be played totally on your browser's console. You'll play five rounds against the machine.
With the game homepage open, press
Ctrl + Shift + i
on your keyboard, this will open the Console panel of DevTools; -
Click on the white space, write "
" and pressEnter
If you wants to play again after finish the five rounds or cancel the game, you can just press
UpArrow ↑ + Enter
in your keyboard and this will start the game without need of write the function again; -
If you want to clear your previous rounds, write "
" and pressEnter
, or press the clear button on the console panel.
In this version, the rules are a little different. Instead of playing just five rounds, here you'll be playing unlimited rounds until you or the machine scores 5 points.
- When you open the page, you will see three buttons, representing yours options;
- Click on any of them and the game will start;
- When someone gets 5 points, the game will end and an overlay announcing the winner will appear along with a "Play Again" button which, if clicked, will restart the game.
- Change the design of the page to look more like a game;
- Add background music and sound effects (with the option to turn them off);
- Try to refactor some parts of the code;
- Change this README file to make it more visual.