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Continuous Delivery for GitHub Pages #27

Continuous Delivery for GitHub Pages

Continuous Delivery for GitHub Pages #27

Workflow file for this run

name: Continuous Delivery for GitHub Pages
workflows: ["CI"]
branches: [master]
types: [completed]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# We only update the GitHub Pages branch for the main Anarki repo if this is
# the main Anarki repo (not a fork), only if the CI tests were caused by a
# push (not a pull request), and only if they succeeded.
if: |
github.repository == 'arclanguage/anarki'
&& github.event.workflow_run.event == 'push'
&& github.event.workflow_run.conclusion == 'success'
# This is the only entry of the matrix for this action.
- racket-variant: "CS"
racket-version: "8.2"
package: anarki
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install Racket '${{ matrix.racket-version }}'
uses: Bogdanp/[email protected]
architecture: x64
distribution: full
variant: ${{ matrix.racket-variant }}
version: ${{ matrix.racket-version }}
# We build and test the package again. For more information about these
# commands, see ci.yml. Since we only run this upon the success of the CI
# builds, this is not likely to fail.
- name: Install and test `${{ matrix.package }}`
run: raco pkg install --auto --no-docs --batch
- name: Recompile to check dependencies, and build Racket package docs
run: raco setup --check-pkg-deps --unused-pkg-deps "${{ matrix.package }}"
- name: Run just the Racket-style unit tests for `${{ matrix.package }}`
run: raco test --drdr --package "${{ matrix.package }}"
- name: Run the Arc unit tests, and build the HTML documentation
run: ./ -n build-web-help.arc
# We take the built dist/gh-pages/ content from the `master` branch and
# deploy it as a commit to the `gh-pages` branch.
# This is adapted from
# <>.
# We clone the `gh-pages` branch. If it doesn't exist yet, we create a new
# branch with an empty history. Note that we authenticate using the
# `GITHUB_TOKEN` secret; this token is provided by GitHub to
# GitHub Actions workflows.
- name: Clone the `gh-pages` branch, or create it with an empty history
run: |
git clone "https://${{ }}:${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}${{ github.repository }}.git" build/gh-pages-repo
cd build/gh-pages-repo
git checkout gh-pages || git checkout --orphan gh-pages
# We replace the contents of the working directory with those of the built
# GitHub Pages site (first making sure that nothing would overwrite the
# .git/ directory). We stage all the files, including untracked ones.
# NOTE: The `cp -r path/. path` command syntax is based on:
# We could also say `cp -r path/* path`, but it would fail if the source
# directory were empty.
- name: Stage a commit to `gh-pages` with the built GitHub Pages site
run: |
cd build/gh-pages-repo
git rm -rf .
test ! -e dist/gh-pages/.git
cp -r ../../dist/gh-pages/. .
git add -A .
# If there are any changes to commit, we make a commit to the `gh-pages`
# branch that looks a lot like the latest commit to `master`.
- name: Commit to `gh-pages` in a way that resembles the commit to `master`
run: |
cd build/gh-pages-repo
git add .
git config "$(git log -1 --pretty=%an master)"
git config "$(git log -1 --pretty=%ae master)"
if [[ ! -z $(git status --untracked-files=no --porcelain) ]]; then
git commit -m "$(git log -1 --pretty=%B master)"
# We push this new commit to the `gh-pages` branch. We specify the remote
# branch as `refs/heads/gh-pages` so that we create the branch if it
# doesn't exist yet.
- name: Push to `gh-pages`
run: |
cd build/gh-pages-repo
git push -q origin HEAD:refs/heads/gh-pages