Steps for creating College Enquiry Chatbot: using RASA
Create a virtual environment using Anaconda Prompt.
- Activate the virutal environment using prompt (Command Line).
- Check your python version because rasa works only for few versions.
Install rasa using:
pip3 install rasa
For more information follow RASA documentation:
- Create a new folder inside the virtual environment where you will initialize rasa project.
- Go to the path of the newly created folder.
- Type rasa shell on the command line. This will open the command line interface of rasa.
- Now type rasa init which will initialize our project and will create every file we require for training.
- Now, we just have to edit the files according to our problem statement.
- You can use default or customized pipeline for training.
Train rasa using rasa train command on the rasa shell.
- Run rasa on the same port you are running your web application using command ' rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors "*" '
- Open your web application using any browser and see how well your chatbot is responding to your queries.