The script folder contains scripts that can be used to generate CYCLUS input files and analyze CYCLUS output files.
Python script for CYCLUS input file generation.
The assumptions for the parameters are as follows:
Cycle = 18 months (timesteps) for all
Refueling = 2 months (timesteps) for all
assembly mass = 180 UO2 / assembly for BWRs
523.4 UO2 / assembly for rest [PWR](
#of assemblies = 193 for 1000MWe, linearly adjusted for other capacities
This script allows generation of CYCLUS input file types from csv files.
Input : csv file, initial_time, duration, reprocessing
csv_file: the csv file containing country, reactor name and capacity
initial_time: initial time of the simulation in yyyymmdd
duration: duration of the simulation in months
Output : A complete input file ready for simulation. (default: complete_input.xml)
To run:
python [csv_file] [init_time] [duration]
Input : CYCLUS output file (.sqlite)
python [outputfile]
Most functions return a dictionary of lists (timeseries of a value) that can be used to plot a stacked bar chart or a line plot.
Simple Cyclus output for testing purposes.
testfile for
To run:
This folder contains templates that are used in the script.
Jinja Template for the entire Cyclus input file.
This is where the compiled reactor and region files will be rendered into.
fuel composition data is from representative vision recipes.
Jinja template for the reactor section of the cyclus input file.
Jinja tempalte for reactors that use mox
Jinja template for the individual region prototype of the cyclus input file.
Jinja template for the region section of the cylcus input file.
Grouped region prototypes will be rendered into this file.
The eu_reactors_pris.csv file lists all the nulear reactors in europe, but more in detail. The data is from PRIS - IAEA and is converted to as csv file.
The csv file lists the following :
- Country
- Reactor Unit (name)
- Type
- Net Capacity (MWe)
- Status
- Operator
- Construction date
- Construction year
- First criticality date
- Two empty columns for start / end date (for deployinst)
- First grid date
- Commercial date
- Shutdown date
- UCF (Unit Capacity Factor) for 2013 (in %)
This file contains various deployment schedules for transition scenarios (EG01 - EG 23, 24, 29, 30). The simulation starts at 100 GWe of LWR installed capacity in 2015. The simulation is 200 years long and an annual growth of 1% is assumed. The new reactor types (or fuel cycles) are available from 2050.
This file contains specific details about the transition scenarios such as fuel mass, composition, and refueling cycles. The file also identifies some gaps in the current CYCLUS regarding transition scenarios.
This is a public repository for the shared development of benchmarking simulation input data representing the past nuclear fuel cycle in the United States and Europe. It is being conducted by undergraduate researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Advanced Reactors and Fuel Cycles group.
To view the work or run a simulation for a particular region, open [region_name].ipynb under input/ folder
To view the the report which includes the procedure, results and their
explanations, please view united_states.ipynb
or europe.ipynb
During development, this work is under sole development by the authors in preparation for publication in conference proceedings or an archival journal.