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Welcome to Model-SA.  

This project is a simple solution for the K-Modem Illumination Problem.
It is using Monte Carlo method alongside with Genetics Algorithm for solving the problem.
The code itself is written in Java (Requirements are listed below) and it is heavily dependent on the JTS geometry library.  

This repository contains  

  • The Projects Source  
  • Documentations and Screenshots  
  • Test Cases  
  • A Randomly generated dataset of simple geometries (will be included in future updates)

📢 Note that this project is still in development. Stay tuned for further updates.

Under Development:

  • Technical Detaild
  • Solve for the original K-Modem Problem
  • Changing signal confliction to a removable option

Code Documentation

Warning! The following readme file Dose Not contains detailed information about the problem.
For further information on technical details of the problem, experiments, and their results, check out Technical Details

Table of Contents

Problem Description

Original K-Modem Description

The K-Modem problem is actually not a stand-alone problem itself. It is a variation of an old, computational geometry problem called Art Gallery Illumination Probelm that consists of finding the minimum number of light sources needed to illuminate a simple polygon (eg. map of a gallery)1.
One of the famous variations of the problem is K-Modem Illumination Problem.

Techinical Description: For a non-negative number k, a k-modem is a wireless device that can penetrate k walls.
Let L be a set of n line segments (or lines) in the plane. A k-modem illuminates all points p of the plane such that the interior of the line segment joining p and the k-modem intersects at most k elements of L. In general, k-modem illumination problems consist on finding the minimum number of k-modems necessary to illuminate a certain subset of the plane, for a given L.

This Variation of K-Modem Problem

Note: This problem is a subset of the original K-Modem illumination problem and the current code is the solution to this problem. With some little alteration of the code (check Technical Details) it can solve the original problem as well. The solution code for the original K-Modem Illumination problem will be included in future updates.    

Let P be a simple polygon consist of an outer shell (the outer walls) and zero or more holes (check the screenshot below). Given the number of k-modems available q, and the penetration rate k, what are the best coordinates to put the k-modems on, such that the maximum area of the given polygon is covered.
Another custom variation of the problem comes from the assumption that the k-modems can have signal confliction. If any point is covered by more than one k-modem, signal confliction happens and the point is not covered anymore.

⚠️   The current code takes Signal Confliction into consideration. Future updates will make this an optional choice.


Practical Usage

The main practical usage of the problem comes from finding the optimal positions of a set of wireless modems with given signal strength in a given map for the maximum coverage of the signal (eg. Maximum WiFi coverage inside a given building). Using the available code alongside JTS Testbuilder, you can create your own maps and find the optimal position of your modems inside the map (check out How to Use?).


Having knowledge of Java for running and simple use of the code is not essential though recomended  

  1. JDK 8 (Or Higher)

  2. Maven 3.6 (Or Higher)

  3. Git and Git Bash

  4. NetBeans 8 (Or Higher) Recomended  

  5. Clone JTS Repository Recomended

⚠️   Do not Install JRE (Java Runtime Environment) instead of JDK.

Installation and Setup

Note: This guide is for Windows operating system. Future updates may include support for Linux.

If you are new to writing and building programs, make sure to follow every step of the installation and setup. It will cover all the things you need to do to run the code.
Setup the Project, Section 4 is about building JTS and using its TestBuilder tool for creating your own test cases. You can skip it if you are not interested.

Installation Guide

  1. Installing Git
    Download and install Git from here. When in installation, from Select Component window, make sure to check Git Bash Here under the Windows Explorer integration tab. Other than that, use the installation's recommended settings.

  2. Installing Maven  

    • Download Maven's Binary zip archive from here. Extract the zip file in an arbiturary directory (for example your Program Files folder in Windows partition).

    • Now you need to add the Maven's bin folder to your windows path environment variables.

      • From the extracted Maven directory, copy the bin folder's path (ie. C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.8.1\bin).
      • Press WIN + R to open Run, type in powershell and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter. This will open Powershell as administrator.
      • Type [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path + ";--path--", "User"), replace --path-- with the location that you just copied and execute.
    • Executer mvn --version command in Powershell. Something like this should be displayed:

      Apache Maven 3.6.3 (--------------some code--------------)
      Maven home: C:\Program Files (x86)\apache-maven-3.6.3\bin..
      Java version: 15.0.1, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1
      Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: ---- some code ----
      OS name: "windows 10", version: "10.0", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

  3. Installing JDK

    • Download JDK installation from Oracles Website.

    • Start the installation and use the recommended settings to do so. Just remember the directory that you are installing JDK in.

    • When the installation is over, follow these instructions to add JAVA_HOME to your environment variables.

    • Open a command-line prompt and type in java -version. Something like this should be displayed:

      java version "1.8.0_261"
      Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_261-b12)
      Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.261-b12, mixed mode)

    • If you encounter any errors, follow these instructions.

  4. Installing NetBeans optional
    Installing Apache NetBeans is optional but recommended. Download and install NetBeans using this link.

    Note: While installing NetBeans, you will encounter a field in which you need to pass in the directory you installed JDK in. If you installed JDK correctly, this field should be filled automatically. If not, cancel the installation, follow the instructions provided in the last paragraph of Installing JDK and run the installation again.

Setup the Project

After installing all the requirements, you can begin setting up the project.

  1. Clone the Repository

    • Create an empty folder on your computer and open it.
    • Right Click and chose Git Bash Here.
    • Execute git clone in the Bash Prompt.
      Git will create a clone of the repository in your machine.
  2. Using Maven to Install Dependencies Skip this part if you are using NetBeans

    • Inside the local repository, you can find a pom.xml file. This is the Maven's pom file which specifies details of the project including build options and most importantly, dependencies.
    • Open a command prompt (cmd) and change directory to the local repository.
    • Type in mvn clean install. Using this command, Maven handels all the dependencies you need to run the project.
  3. Configuring NetBeans Skip this part if you are using Maven
    NetBeans should automatically recognize the repository as a Project Directory. Using Ctrl + Shift + O you can open the repository directly inside NetBeans.

    ⚠️   If you are using an older version of NetBeans (version 9 or bellow) you need to update NetBeans Maven.

    For updating NetBeans Maven:

    • Download the Maven's Bin files as explained in Installing Maven, section one.
    • Extract it and copy all the files inside the apache-maven-version folder.
    • Navigate inside NetBeans installation directory and open the Java folder.
    • Open the maven folder, paste and replace everything that you copied inside it.

  4. Clone and Build JTS optional
    In order to use JTS TestBuilder to create your own polygons and geometries, you need to clone and build the JTS library.

    • Create another empty folder and open Git Prompt as explained previously.
    • Execute git clone command.
    • Navigate inside the cloned repository using cd command (cd jts).
    • Type mvn clean install to install dependencies and build JTS.
    • Use java -jar modules/app/target/JTSTestBuilder.jar to run JTS TestBuilder.

    You can find more information on JTS geometry library in JTS Repository.

How to Use?

Now that you are finished setting up the project, it's time to learn how to run and properly use the code. Let's begin with a little tour of the code.

A Tour of the Code

Note: Reading this section is optional, skip to How to use if not interestead.

Getting into the detail of the code is beyond the scope of this text (for that, refer to Technical Details). However, some basic explanation about the available classes and their important methods seems necessary.

  • The Polygon Class
    As the name implies, this class represents the main geometry structure that the program handles. Using this class you can import your polygons inside the program. Note that the design pattern of this code is based on Importing the Polygons, not creating them inside the program using code or GUI.
    You can import the polygons in two ways.

    • Using the empty constructor to build an object and importing the poygon using obj.readPolygonXML(path) or obj.readPolygonWKT(path) methods.

      Using XML file:

      Polygon pl = new Polygon();

      Using WKT file:

      Polygon pl = new Polygon();
    • Passing the polygon's XML file path directly to the constructor.

      Polygon pl = new Polygon(path);

      ⚠️ This method only works for XML files created by JTS TestBuilder. The program won't accept a WKT file path in the constructor.

    Future updates may include support for common CAD file formats like .DXF or .DWG.

    Because this class uses JTS Polygon structure to handle the geometry, you can retrive a JTS Polygon directly from the class using obj.getPoly(); method.
    In addition, if you are not satesifed with the provided methods of importing the polygons, you can use obj.setPoly(poly); method for directly setting the polygon. You need to pass a JTS Polygon object as the parameter.

    Note: The XML files that are mentioned in this text is the geometry file format created by JTS TestBuilder.

  • The Moedem Class
    This is the K-Modem class. Every modem will have a Peneteration Rate k and a 2D cordinate x and y. Because the obj.toString(); method of this class is over writen, you can directly print the objects. The toString() method only prints the cordinate of the modem and the peneteration rate k, is left out. For the most part, you will not use this class directly.

  • VPCalculator Class
    This static class contains algorithms for calculating the visiblity areas of modems (aka Visiblity Polygon, aka Signal coverage).
    Three important public methods of this class includes, monteCarloVP() , monteCarloVP_SavePoints() and monteCarloVP_MT().
    • monteCarloVP
      This method is for calculating the Signal coverage.
      The method takes in three parameters. First, a number of iterations, second the polygon, and third an array of modems.
      After calculation, it'll return a double that indicates the ratio of coverage area to total area. This value will always be in the range of 0 to 1.
      Higher numbers of iterations in the algorithm will lead to more accurate results. However, this accuracy comes at the price of time.

    • monteCarloVP_SavePoints
      This method works exactly like monteCarloVP() with two additional functionality. Saving all the calculated points in a WKT file and showing how long it took the algorithm to finish. You need to pass in two more variables to this function. A string that is the path for saving the WKT file, and a boolean that if true, prints out the spent time.

    • monteCarloVP_MT
      Basicaly, this method is monteCarloVP() that uses Multi Threading for faster calculations.

      ⚠️ Because in the current updates this method is unstable, it is not recomend to use it.

  • GeneticsAlgorithm Class
    This is the heart of the project. GeneticAlgorithm is the class that handles everything about optimization.
    You can use this class and pass in your desiered parameters to find the optimal solution. It will do so by creating a population of arbitary size and run Genetics Algorithm on them.
    The parameters that you'll need to pass to the constructor in order to create an object are listed in order bellow:

    • The Polygon

    • Number of Modems

    • Default K Value
      An integer with the minimum value of 0 that represents the Penetration Rate of the Signals (how many walls signals can pass thorugh).

    • Monte Carlo Itterations
      Because the program is using a method called Monte Carlo Method to estimate the signal coverage of the modems, you need to determain a number of itterations for it. Obviously, higher number of itterations will lead to higher precisions but at the cost of your system's resources.
      Set this number somewhere between 1000 and 10000 based on your CPU power.

    • Size of Population
      This is the population that you'll be running genetics algorithm on. Higher values will lead to faster convergance and higher precissions. But proceed with caution. Setting this number too high will consume an enormous amount of your system's resources.
      Set this number somewhere between 100 and 1000 based on your CPU power.

    • Mutation Rate
      This value will determain how many indiviuals in the population will Mutate in every generation. You have to pass in a double Ranging from 0 to 1. For example if you pass a mutation rate of 0.1, in every generation, 10% of the population will be mutated randomly.

    • Generations
      This parameter will detrmin the number of itterations for genetics algorihthim. Obviously, higher number of itterations will lead to more acurate results but at the cost of time.
      Set this number between 25 and 100 based on your system power and your own patiance.

      Note: An automatic method of detecing convergence will be included in the future updates.

    Now that you are familiar with the constructor's parameters, you can create objects like this:

    GeneticsAlgorithm gna;
    gna = new GeneticsAlgorithm( poly, numOfModems, k , MCItter, popSize, mutRate, numOfGens );

    After creating your object, use runGenetics method to run the algorithim.

    GeneticsAlgorithm gna;
    gna = new GeneticsAlgorithm( poly, numOfModems, k , MCItter, popSize, mutRate, numOfGens );

    There are several get methods provided for getting the output of the algorithm.
    First is gna.getPopulation() which returns an ArrayList of the population. Each element of the ArrayList is a Chromosome which itself, contains an array of K-Modems (can be accessed using chromosome.modmList).
    The second option is gna.getBestGene(). It returns the best gene availabe as an array of K-Modems.
    And the last option is gna.getTopTenResults() which returns an ArrayList of 10 best K-Modem Arrays.

How to Use

There are two main ways you can use the code.
First, you can run the code with given test cases and some arbitary parameters for confirming the concluded results; Two, you can create your own test case using JTS TestBuilder, passing it to the program with your parameters of choice for finding the optimal positions of the modems. Either way, the process of minipulating and running the code shoud be simple and straight forward.

How to Build and Run Using Maven

Open cmd or powershell and change directory (using cd) to the local repository. Use mvn package command to build the project. After building it, a folder with the name target should appear in the local repository folder.
Use java -cp ./target/Model-SA-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to run the program.

Create and Import a Polygon

From src/main/java/ku/cs/model/sa/ open the file with a text editor. This is the main class of the program. Some pre written code is already avilable inside it. Reading it should give you a basic idea of how to use the code.
For now, lets start with something simple. Creating a polygon from one of the files availabe in the test_cases folder (like obiouscase.xml).
Begin with creating a Polygon object and determining the path of the local repository.

String repositoryPath = ".\\"; 
Polygon pl = new Polygon();

Now, you may import the polygon inside the program. Simply use readPolygonXML(path) method to do so.

String repositoryPath = ".\\"; 
Polygon pl = new Polygon();
pl.readPolygonXML(repoPath + "test_cases\\obviouscase.xml");

Note: You can use plotPolygon() method to plot the Polygon and get an idea of what you'r working on.

Run the Optimization

After Importing the polygon, you may use GeneticsAlgorithm class to start the optimization process. Begin with creating an instence of GeneticsAlgorithm and pass some arbitary parameters to the constructor (for detail information about parameters, check out here).
Let's asume you have 3 k-modems with 0 penetration rate and you want to use 1000 Monte Carlo itterations with 200 initial population and 25% mutation rate. Last, let's run the algorithm for 20 generations and see the results.

String repositoryPath = ".\\"; 
Polygon pl = new Polygon();
pl.readPolygonXML(repoPath + "test_cases\\obviouscase.xml");

GeneticsAlgorithm gna = new GeneticsAlgorithm(pl, 3, 0, 1000, 200, 0.25, 20);

The program will begin running the optimization.
For each itteration of the optimization, you will have something printed out in your console.

Itteration: 1
Crossover Started
Crossover Done 
Mutation Started
Mutation Done 
Selection Started
Selection Done 
BCF: 0.996000

BCF stands for Best Chromosome Fitness which is the score of the best indiviual of the population in the current run. The score is between 0 and 1 and shows the percentage of signal coverage inside the polygon.
For example, in the previous print box, BCF is 0.996. That means the best indivual of the population (which is just a set of cordinates for the modems) has 99.6% signal coverage. In another words, if you put your modems acording to the best indivual, you will have 99.6% coverage.

Retrive the Results

After the optimization is over, there are several get methods included in the GeneticsAlgorithm class that you can use to retrive the result.
One such example is the getPopulation() method which returns the population as an ArrayList of the chromosoms. This ArrayList will always be in order of best to worst, meaning the 0 index is the best chromosome of all.

String repositoryPath = ".\\"; 
Polygon pl = new Polygon();
pl.readPolygonXML(repoPath + "test_cases\\obviouscase.xml");

GeneticsAlgorithm gna = new GeneticsAlgorithm(pl, 3, 0, 1000, 200, 0.25, 20);

Because Monte Carlo is a hurestic method and thus the results are in a margin of error, it is a better practice to retrive more than one result from the algorithm.
For that you may use getTopTenResults(); method which retrives the Top Ten results. This method returns a size 10 ArrayList of Arrays of Modems. (ArrayList<Modem[]>)

It was stated that running the Monte Carlo with higher values of itterations will result in more acurate results.
If you use too many Monte Carlo itterations for running the optimization, the algorithim will take a long time to finish. But now that the optimization is over, it might be a good idea to see what happens if you use more itterations on Monte Carlo.

You can call the Monte Carlo method directly from VPCalculator class using VPCalculator.monteCarloVP(itter , poly , modems);.
The method takes in three values. First, the number of itterations, second, the polygon and third, an Array of Modems.
It will return a double with values ranging from 0 to 1. This value indicates the percentag of signal coverage inside the polygon.

You can use getTopTenResults(); to run MonteCarlo manulay with as much itterations as you want.

for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){
    double coverage = VPCalculator.monteCarloVP(1000000 , pl , gna.getTopTenResults().get(i));
    System.out.printf("Acurate Coverage Chromosome %d: %f \n", i , coverage);

The last get method that you may use is getBestGene();. It returns only the best result as an Array of Modems. Bottom sample code is using this method alongside with some string minipulation to create a WKT text that you can copy and paste directly inside JTS TestBuilder.

String bestGene  = Arrays.toString(gna.getBestGene());
System.out.println("\nMULTIPOINT("+ bestGene.substring(1 , bestGene.length() -2) +")");

One Last Neat Trick

This trick involves working with a method called VPCalculator.monteCarloVP_SavePoints(); alongside JTS TestBuilder.
The monteCarloVP_SavePoints method works exactly like monteCarloVP with one additional difference. After calculating the signal coverage, it will save the random points it created for estimation inside a WKT file which you can use directly inside JTS TestBuilder.
You just need to pass in two additional parameters. First the path to which it saves the points in, and second a boolean value that if passed true shows How long it took the algorithm to finish.

VPCalculator.monteCarloVP_SavePoints(100000 , pl , gna.getBestGene() , repoPath + "test_cases" , true);

This will create a montecarlo_out.wkt file inside the test_cases folder which you can drag and drop inside JTS TestBuilder to get an idea of the covered area.



An Approach to K-Modem Problem






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