antimatter15 / alpaca.cpp
Forked from ggml-org/llama.cppLocally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM
NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
An awesome asynchronous event-driven reactor for Ruby.
Neovim lua plugin for managing a floating terminal window
An interactive and powerful Git interface for Neovim, inspired by Magit
Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
A Scalable, User-Friendly Source Control System.
Sidekiq Web UI extension for triggering job on ad-hoc basis
Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
A simple plug for incrementally transforming an API into Phoenix. Check out the blog post:
collectiveidea / delayed_job
Forked from tobi/delayed_jobDatabase based asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from Shopify
Ruby and Rails efficient Kafka processing framework
Run your tests at the speed of thought
Mac setup and configuration via Ansible.
A gem for adding functional programming tools to Ruby. Inspired by Erlang, Clojure, Haskell, and Functional Java.