I am a software engineer and an engineering leader passionate about Databases, System Architecture, and Advanced Algorithms. I am also the creator and maintainer of DiceDB - an open-source in-memory database.
In 2024, I took a leap of faith and co-founded Profile.fyi, which was later acquired by Mercor. Today, I am a Staff Engineer at Google, leading the Ads Forecasting. Before this, I had led the Dataproc India team, where we built a managed big data ecosystem for GCP customers, enabling them to handle data at scale seamlessly. Earlier in my journey, I was part of Amazon's Fast Data Team, where I worked on cold tiering of hot data and developed a seamless query interface across all storage tiers.
I held engineering leadership positions (both IC and management) at Unacademy, where I built, grew, and led Search, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) teams, and Data Engineering teams. I hold a total of 10+ years of experience in scaling backend services, taking products and teams from 0 to 1, and beyond.
I keep diving deep into engineering details and share my learnings by across my socials and videos on YouTube.