libCLI is a small CLI library which:
- provides a basic CLI interface (command registration & execution),
- supports basic argument parsing (whitespace-delimited),
- provides a built-in help command,
- can integrate into any serial (printf based, MMIO based, etc.), and
- has fixed memory usage (does not dynamically allocate).
To build the project, add it as a submodule:
git submodule add <repository> libCLI
git submodule update --init --recursive
You can either reference the header and source directories directly or - if you're using CMake - add them as a subdirectory:
add_subdirectory(../path/to/libCLI build_dir)
target_link_libraries(MyProject PRIVATE CLI)
To set up a CLI, specify:
- a command storage array,
; - a CLI header,
; and - a writeback function,
// Declare the CLI header and its associated command list:
CliCommand commands[COMMAND_CAPACITY];
CliNewInfo info = {
.commands = commands,
.commands_size = COMMAND_CAPACITY,
.writeback = writeback_printf,
.writeback_data = NULL,
CliHeader cli = libcli_new(&info);
// Register commands
libcli_add(cli, "enable-thing", "Enable a thing", enable_thing_command);
libcli_add(cli, "disable-thing", "Disable a thing", disable_thing_command);
libcli_add(cli, "add-stuff", "Add stuff to a thing", add_stuff_command);
// etc.
To execute an input, call libcli_run
// NOTE: Must be `char*`, _not_ `const char*`. The parser operates in-place on the input string.
char* input = /* get user input from somewhere */;
// Call `run` on the input. The input is parsed and a command is dispatched.
libcli_run(cli, input, &userdata);
When the CLI needs to write something back to the user, it uses the writeback
function passed in
during initialization. This could look like:
void writeback_printf(const char* string, void* userdata) {
printf("%s", string);
Or, writing to a UART peripheral, for example:
void write_to_uart(const char* string, void* userdata) {
UART_HandleTypeDef uart = *(UART_HandleTypeDef*)userdata;
size_t length = strlen(string);
HAL_UART_Transmit(uart, string, length);
When a command is called, it is passed an argument count, the array of arguments and userdata.
void enable_thing_command(size_t argc, const char* const* argv, void* userdata) {
if (argc != 1) {
printf("error: expected 1 argument\n");
} else {
ThingData* things = (ThingData*)userdata;
enable_thing_by_name(things, argv[0]);