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gbin edited this page Aug 13, 2012 · 1 revision

be admin

In order to administrate the bot, you need to add you JID to the as Bot Administrator:

# [...]
BOT_ADMINS = ('[email protected]',)
# [...]

Note : for hipchat you will need to find you real JID like :

# [...]
BOT_ADMINS = ('[email protected]',)
# [...]

It is a list so you can elect several persons to be admin i.e

Contact one 2 one the bot

Invite the bot in your roster, it should accept you instantly. then you can start to query the bot with for example !status that will give you the list of active plugins.

I am alive with those plugins :

Querying the repos

A repo is a package that contains one or several plugins. it is referenced by an url pointing to the update location. You can get the list of repos with !repos

Current plugins repos : 
    err-pollbot     -> [email protected]:gbin/err-pollbot.git

Installing a new repo

You can install a repo by specifying for example a git url to the command !install like :

!install [email protected]:gbin/err-weatherbot.git

The bot will answer something like :

    A new plugin repository named err-weatherbot has been installed correctly from 
    [email protected]:gbin/err-weatherbot.git. Refreshing the plugins commands...
    Plugin reload done.

You can then check if the repo is correctly set with !repos again :

Current plugins repos : 
    err-weatherbot  -> [email protected]:gbin/err-weatherbot.git
    err-pollbot     -> [email protected]:gbin/err-pollbot.git

You can check the plugins installed with !status :

I am alive with those plugins :

Now the new command should appear in !help.

Uninstalling a repo

Just !uninstall and the name of the repo as given by !repos. (be careful: I talk about repos, not plugin names !)

!uninstall err-weatherbot

Upgrade the core and plugins

The command !upgrade can upgrade either the core, specific plugins or everything at the same. I will use git to update and restart if necessary.

Disable / Reenable temporarily a plugin

You can use !unload to unload (disable without uninstalling) a plugin The reverse command is !load. Be careful those commands take a plugin symbolic name as parameter.